What can these three scary windows mean for those who enter or DARE to want read this with that BIG CANDY DAY for little or OL Goblins and Ghouls I can only hope you aren't JOLTED to peeling your grape like eyes outta your skulls.........
Hello to all whom love to BIG "C" yourselves in your own place,
Yes it is I Mr spookier who loves to decorate my place with all sorts of jump out at you kinda things, I know that in the past I have always tried to keep the scariness to a place of entrancing, yet till now I have never revealed my other if you will Halloween shockfest. There may have been one time I did show my whole house as a place of living death but I or you can't ever be to sure for as how would they say it during this time of year something like "BEWARE WHAT YOU WEEP" or better yet like a certain Great Dane and his four human friends would willingly do is "Come up with a plan to solve the Mystery of what's really gonna on here? Well just so you won't have to bite on your nails fingers or toes or even otherwise.... I do happen to have here my decked out windows from my Kitchen one at night seen
, here to my main lookout stoop
"Where I leap into action as........Oh so sorry no one was suppose to know about my ah never mind....." Here is what my two side decorated skylights over my couch are like
if you have those hands that are not made of steel you can peel from your mug. NO I don't mean your morning coffee cup if that's what your thinking I'm hinting at? Yet it isn't like it's night time all the time around here! Speaking of all daylight here are my main lookout post in the brightest part of well you know
. As to what The "C" stands for in the opening of this post is well " CREEPY" if you thought anything else you have totally forgotten what day we are oh so very near?
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