April 04, 2012

The Ulimate GOD book, besides the one everybody knows of....

Hello to you,
I do without a doubt hope that your day is full of joy today if your a kid and your on Spring break or if as a adult you enjoy your work whatever is in store for you if your without children in the journ
ey we refer to as life. It was about a year ago I shared with you all my favorite bible verse, today I want to share with you another such book that I have had for a very long time , as you can see it is not a bible, yet it is just like one. There are many people who do read the bible everyday but there are many if not all work places that restrict encouraging one's beliefs in the workplace (maybe I better rephrase that part there, you can bring you bible with you and study it's teaching while at work, just on your own time, as if you may be like me and bring a sci fi novel but I can't read it till my break or lunch time). This happens to be a devotional much like if you were to read sections of the good book in a year's time, but this is for daily use no matter how you may think it just doesn't matter and it also includes like this year a Leap day entry as well. In fact here's today's verse: April 4th, "FRESH ENCOUNTERS with Christ" That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. 1 John 1:3-4John the apostle never ceased to marvel at the life-changing relationship he enjoyed with his Lord. It overwhelmed him to know that, at a particular time in history, the God of the universe chose to have fellowship with him, a simple fisherman. John was so overjoyed that he earnestly wanted to share his joy with others so they, too, might experience the same joy. A special fellowship or "bonding" developed between those who had personally encountered Christ as they rejoiced together at God's goodness to them.

Those around you desperately need to be encourage by your latest encounter with Christ. Some have lost hope that they can experience the reality of God's presence in their lives. They don't need your philosophies or theological speculations. They don't need to hear your opinions on what they should do. They need to hear from someone who has just come from a personal, life-changing encounter with the living Christ. When you have had such an experience you will be like the apostle John, hardly able to contain yourself as you rush to tell others of your amazing encounter with God. Your responsibility will not be to convince others of the reality of God, but simply to bear witness to what your Lord has said and done for you. The change in your life will be your greatest testimony of your relationship to Christ. There is nothing more appealing or convincing to watching world than to hear the testimony of someone who has just been with Jesus. Now I do think that WE All can use some type of daily devotional it doesn't need to be either two of these two type of books it can also be as simple as a diary or a journal to jot down OUR OWN thoughts throughout the whole day and mainly because the human heart won't forget in time or maybe it will, same with OUR MINDS, but if we have it written down some place we can most certainly pass on our stories and hopes for future generations. And in the end isn't that what matters just as much as telling your own story?

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