April 11, 2012

Maybe I wanna to be hooked on this too

So what had happen on Easter Sunday to give me a shot at real sci-fi classic of a spaced out doctor
and a spices robots designed like Tony Stark's Mark one steel amour better known as Iron Man, well read below to find out....

Hello out there in the Space Bridges of time....
Ah ha, I just bet with the
word Space Bridges in the opening of my greeting you thought I was gonna being bringing up these ever changing robots known

as GO-BOTS? nha,really those are the robots called the "TRANSFORMERS". Anyone who glances at this even just for a minute or even a millisecond will know that this blog at heart is my love of sharing about life that is pretty awesome,and more importance here goes to guys like these. I wanna share today about a old but always new Sci-Fi series that for the most part is the truest oldest running series ever,yes so that is right it older than most of you that always know your young at heart,I do know for sure it's older than me. In fact I'm not sure if this past Golden egg day more commonly called Easter Sunday wasn't in a way planned in sorts by my brother wife and his two kids of what we decided watch on their 3D tv set while we waited for two o' clock to arrive, which was when we were going over to Kathie's parents house to have more Easter fun with food and a possible egg hunt in the mix as well...
Any way when it was my birthday a few weeks ago, my nephew Cannon was trying to hit me with something that looked like a very trippy poor man's light saber from Star Wars or something even kookier from Star Trek core of engineering course from starfleet. I was looking the thing as he told me "It 's a screw driver uncle Matt, it from "Doctor Who" I of course said "that cool Cannon"he then showed me what it did. Now of what I know of "Dr. Who" is very limiting I'll let you in on that much,outside of watching it in small segments when I was very small on PBS. I didn't
even know it had such a span of time and different actors playing the good Doctor . All I knew when I was little I just for some reason not find a liking for it in my young Sci-Fi heart, yet for sometime after the end of the sixth season of Star Trek the next generation I got hit in the noggin with a Dr.Who television movie on the FOX network and all of sudden I found that whatever my gripes I had of it when I was a tyke were gone. Then off and on till last Sunday I had forgotten most of whatever I knew of the grand Doctor except for a small article in the now online magazine of WIZARD price guide to comics,where in the issue they were talking of "SCI-HIGH The big names and hidden gems of television that make up the 25 greatest sci-fi shows of all time!", the article had several side points-yet, I bet you cannot guess who came in as the number one series of all time.

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