April 30, 2012

Avengers week continues with....What I think I know of the Avengers?

Well something a little late but still worth a lot of fun for sure,
I am trying to think who are the AVENGERS of the Marvel Universe, and I realize I may know a few of Marvels big names, yet I only have known of one group of heroes. Those that I know are these people ,seen here known as the twenty fourth letter of the alphabet who are also known as mutants. I do however know groups in the Marvel universe but really only in part of just skimming through a given title. In fact I really know more of the v
illains groups like The Wreaking Crew,The Masters of Evil, Hydra, and of course who could forget the greatest Spider villains team up of Max Dillon and Herman Schultz respectfully two foes of Parker's that would fry our ever loving web wonder. Those two guys are if you haven't guessed by the word FRY are Electro and Shocker so what a jolting party that would generate huh? (Please anyone who reads this from Marvel comics that is a idea I have so be nice and let me create the story), but truly of spider-man's foes who form a team are best known originally as Doc Ock, Sandman, Kraven the hunter, Mysterio, Vulture,,and of course the aforementioned Max Dillon make up the sinister six a very powerful group who'll do anything to rule the planet earth. I really and truly didn't know that Spidey himself was a Avenger until I read this ,where he beat Galactus's second herald. I'm pretty sure even though I hadn't had Amazing Spider-Man annual one at time of reading this in early nineteen eighty six I did know he had tried becoming a Avenger in the past but didn't know till this one he was one for a little while. Still I know that strange things happen in group rotations of the Avengers recruitment, for by the time the run of the Wall crawler which you all know I love most had Sandman as a member as well. I still know next to nothing of the Avengers maybe if I could give myself a crash course in their books of ol I will be ready for what's coming in four days time but where do I start looking.......

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