Well something a little late but still worth a lot of fun for sure,
I am trying to think who are the AVENGERS of the Marvel Universe, and I realize I may know a few of Marvels big names, yet I only have known of one group of heroes. Those that I know are these people ,seen here known as the twenty fourth letter of the alphabet who are also known as mutants. I do however know groups in the Marvel universe but really only in part of just skimming through a given title. In fact I really know more of the villains groups like The Wreaking Crew,The Masters of Evil, Hydra, and of course who could forget the greatest Spider villains team up of Max Dillon and Herman Schultz respectfully two foes of Parker's that would fry our ever loving web wonder. Those two guys are if you haven't guessed by the word FRY are Electro and Shocker so what a jolting party that would generate huh? (Please anyone who reads this from Marvel comics that is a idea I have so be nice and let me create the story), but truly of spider-man's foes who form a team are best known originally as Doc Ock, Sandman, Kraven the hunter, Mysterio, Vulture,,and of course the aforementioned Max Dillon make up the sinister six a very powerful group who'll do anything to rule the planet earth. I really and truly didn't know that Spidey himself was a Avenger until I read this
,where he beat Galactus's second herald. I'm pretty sure even though I hadn't had Amazing Spider-Man annual one at time of reading this in early nineteen eighty six I did know he had tried becoming a Avenger in the past but didn't know till this one he was one for a little while. Still I know that strange things happen in group rotations of the Avengers recruitment, for by the time the run of the Wall crawler which you all know I love most had Sandman as a member as well. I still know next to nothing of the Avengers maybe if I could give myself a crash course in their books of ol I will be ready for what's coming in four days time but where do I start looking.......
Hello comic and movie fans,
As we all know by the end of this coming week we will be starting our foray into what is called summer movies with the most anticipated super hero movie that has been abuzz for many reasons. The least being that it has splashing into the ranks of top movie hits such as "The Wizard of Oz" which was by the way the very first movie to include color, before this a only animation shorts, if the artist chose to add from the palate would really work on film, I 'm at least hunching since I wasn't born way back when (the nineteen thirties) were roaring with creativity..... to such blockbusters as "Titanic". Which with the release of it's 3D version has taken in another two point four billion or at least close to it adding to it's already original release from nineteen ninety seven of world wide grossing one point eight billion. Of course, even through superheroes existed on the radio and small screens known as televisions, it was until the release of SUPERMAN by Richard Donner did any studio truly believe a movie about those people in the four color paged books called comic books would putting the pun right here "flying" into what the public wanted to see?, well Superman spawned a three sequels and proved we all loved our heroes to be embodied on those big screen. So for a long while it was mostly Detective Comics and their characters who owned the Silver screen for the next two decades, with a few if any exceptions of a few indie comics productions made some attempts: even when Marvel was still owned by New World productions they made a early Captain America and Fantastic Four gos.....Yet in the real late nineteen nineties
they had a hit with the movie known as BLADE. It was so popular that it had like the "S-Man for Detective Comics two decades before reinvigorated movies about people in tights. This was only the start of something big because the charter was owned by the other of the BIG TWO Comic companies out of now the four known as DARK HORSE, IMAGE and the other two big guns which you already know who they are. Well that movie about the Vampire Hunter was just a piece of icing till Byran Singer's X-MEN flick in two thousand quacked it's boiling point that yes Marvel right now is the prominent king of comic movies,so what does this all have with who the original AVENGERS are? well nothing at all really other than that three of the names seen on AVENGERS #1 seen here
, are against Loki in the very little movie I hope I'm adding fuel for you to wanna seeing?
Seems like a very interesting topic does it not?
Well to say a dreamere is related to lack of getting some sound sleep or better known as a waking dream would be a great lie. Yes I can most assuredly admit I wish I could have this whole blog filled right up to date,yet even though I DO know that ONE given day it will be I keep losing sleep over it from time to time, but not always.... sometimes it about me feeling I need to please everyone expect myself in certain forms of entertaining myself with what I want to entertain Matt with. Lately I have been having striving insomnia for other reasons as well,still it has mostly been caused by me without a doubt being a very light sleeper no matter what and I already know that any form of sleeping medication won't help because the main things troubling me are outside noises like the wind blowing at so strongly, a speed it would keep a dog howling in the middle of the night thank goodness I don't have one. Although a snake might be more loving by wrapping around me if it were a boa constrictor maybe even a hug from a Python wouldn't hurt when it blistery outside in the snoozing hours of the night,just joking of course. One thing that does get to me on nights when it's blowing is emergency vehicles get me roused more so than when I lived with my folks, the answer as to why is the closest fire station is less than a block away, still I know everyone needs medical help at some given time whether we are mighty young or very old. Anyway most times when I can't sleep it's because of like I said outside noises still in the early part of my sleeping for today I know I felt like I was in a boxed in room when I was dreaming and no matter what I just couldn't get up or out of the place I was in and believe me I tried but I just couldn't like when I was little and had pulled the door to my folks bathroom I was not able to HULK OUT if you catch my drift....still all in all I felt like I slept well when I had to start my day. Still I don't know if I am awake as I write these words or having a grand nightmare because I can't channel my rapid eye movement for a very long time! I happen to call this a Dreamere just so you don't think I'm crazed, ok?
Hey there,
Have I let you in on a little secret?, no not of late I don't think so either? This year for my upcoming vacation destination this year won't be to visit my folks in Cuenca Ecuador but rather they will be with my sister Kylie and her son Bryce as well on a cruise to the state where they filmed Star Trek VI's The Undiscovered Country Penal coney scenes of when Kirk and McCoy were sentenced for life after killing the Kilngon peace ambassador. That is right I'm going to parts of Alaska. It will be in the latter end of next month on Memorial Day weekend through June ninth, now as always you needn't worry I will still have entries coming most certainly the June First. But I most definitely have to button down my blog entries at the start of next month and just figure out this mini cam
, and transfer what's on it in the way of still pics and of course mini movies from over this past year. I have to pop that disk into my computer from in the above image, and read all the tech jargon and you all know how I feel about computer instructions from time to time when I delete my own wallpapers from time to time, so please wish me luck in not erasing as I put it all on my computer, for I hope to come back with some cool mini movies from this forth coming trip of many different things to share about a place I have never been.
Hello out there to you all,
I want reminiscence today about a very interesting musical band of the late nineteen nineties. I want to say that this group and their stories that they tell through their words in their songs are a interesting cross between a GOD driving force in the message.Like right now I am listening to "Arms wide open" which was the main song that showed me for the first time in a long time it is okay to express the emotion called Love to someone if you wish and want to. But in other songs this group talks of their closeness to the one known as GOD in a song known as "HIGHER" or of looking at one's own faults in "Inside us all" I know that I have never met the men who make up the band called CREED, but I know I would like to if given a chance? Mainly because as I have said before sometimes in any given song or tune WE can ALL relate to one another through communication. Which I believe is what WE ALL need to get along,even when we don't know how we have to remember songs whether they are from our favorite rock band or a country singer we all have something that needs to be expressed? WE ALL must not let our darker side(s) be showing all the time only, it is without a doubt the real power we have while we live each day for what it is worth! Sorry didn't mean to be pulling at heart strings I just know how most music makes me Matt feel like Creed's album known as "HUMAN CLAY". Creed has four albums released since 1997 but as you see here I have
, only three maybe soon I'll go looking for the first album if I could only know it's name?,on the net or at a local store like Target or Best Buy later this upcoming summer.
Talk about feeling like a broken human,
Boy don't I know how to say this but I felt like today was my most cursed day in working at Albertson's. As you know I try as best as humanly possible to do my tasks as worthy full as I can,yet today I know with a doubt I feel like a battled warhorse. I still can't say it enough but today as a caring human being to another I simply failed BIG TIME. And not in just one way but two! I want to share the one that giving me a chance for not feeling like a horse's you know what? It was just after my lunch I just was outside grabbing up carts, to be specific it was our "Mini" style carts which we are soon I'm hoping will repair most of the others out behind the store because all of the costumers love them even though the few employees known as Bagger people which I'm apart of find these how can I say it a bit annoying at least when the weather is so bad, or when we are super busy either way these are at least my least favorite times of having them, still everyone loves these anyway for quick trips which I gotta say is wonderful too. Sorry I didn't mean to detour from my tale, so as I was getting these I noticed a elderly customer getting out of her car. I could tell she was having some trouble getting out of her vehicle, so I said to her "Do you want one of these?", as she was nodding I came right over with one to give a balancing brace to get into the store with. I was helping my boss bag a order when I had heard a checker call out "Carry Out please" to find out it was the very same lady I had gave the "mini cart" to just outside. I walked her to our entrance way to see she was starting to go in the wrong direction of going out,so I lightly grabbed the cart as if it were a feather and gentle guided her to the right set of doors as I was helping her she said I was going to fast, I really knew I wasn't but I still relaxed my grip just to please her. As we went down the slope to the asphalt part of the parking lot my worst fear had happen she fell as I was trying to catch her before her feet slummed out from beneath her. Five other customers rushed over to help her I felt as if all my strength had vanished I just was "Oh God where are my super powers when I need them at a time like right now..." One the other that was helping her asked me "What should you do?,get help from the front desk" I could only hope that some from inside had seen what had happen because I was full of shock at trying also help the lady up. Luckily the other courtesy helper who was with me came out and my co worker and another customer helped her to her vehicle after I pointed out where it was. Of course we all asked "if she was fine?" She had said she was but I still went back to ask for help with at the same time feeling guilty at myself for not listening to her from before we left to the parking lot. I still carried that guilty feeling in my mind and gut throughout the rest of my shift. For as soon as I got back in the front end was needing help again. My co worker I'm guessing is who informed the customer service desk and from there everything else was taken down by the on duty Grocery manger for store records I just had a real low bit of you deserve something negativity to happen and it did in the form of teasing after I got off for the day. As to the other thing that went sour was before my lunch,a young woman of twenty five or so came through my boss checkout in tears saying as I was helping her unload that she had just had a fight with her boyfriend she had told me this because I could see how torn up she was after we goofed on giving five percent from her earned Easter rewards I took her to customer service to help get it the indecent resolved I even said "I would be happy to help you out if you want.." she said "sure I guess OK ,maybe..." so I kept my eye both on helping my boss with the bagging and to see when she was headed out. I think she left because her boyfriend called again or something and didn't see her leave,but for her I hope her day got better and I hope it did for that elder lady too. For heaven knows I just don't feel like I had the best day at work in a very long time.
Hello all,
For a very long time now, I have been picking up images that are related to the one many or most of us know from the book of Matthew in the new testament of the bible that center around the most important meal the son that is the teacher of forgiveness had with his disciples. Here is a Leonardo DA Vinci's
depiction of "The Last Supper" where from the passage Matthew 26: 17-30 Jesus says "As YOU go into the city," he tells them, "YOU will see a certain man. Tell him,'The Teacher says,My time has come, and I will eat the Passover meal with my disciples at your house." So the disciples did as Jesus told them and prepared the Passover supper there. When it was evening, Jesus sat down at the table with his twelve disciples. While they were eating, he said "The truth is,one of you will betray me." Greatly distressed, one by one they began to ask him, "I'm not the one,am I Lord?" He replies " One of you who is eating with me now will betray me. For I the Son of Man, must die, as the scriptures declared long ago. But how terrible it will be for my betrayer. Far better for him if he had never been born!" Judas,the one who will betray him, also asked, "Teacher,I'm not the one,am I?" And Jesus says to him "You have said it yourself" As they were eating Jesus took a loaf of bread and asked GOD'S blessing on it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying "Take it and eat it,for this is my body" And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to GOD for it. He gave it to them and said "Each of You drink from it,for this is my blood, which seals the covenant between GOD and his people. It is poured out to forgive the sins of many. Mark my words-I will not drink wine again until the day I drink it new with you in my father's Kingdom." Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.- This interpretation is from every man's Bible
, which is the one I have had since late two thousand and one. Now I know that most of us as the fragile souls we are won't always understand the whole meaning of the Son of Man's words from that night, and it's because WE ALL en compress it as for how we think it needs to be for ourselves. But what WE forget is the actual meaning of the Last Supper which is about acceptance of sharing with all in any form of family. But as to why so many artists today go and depict the "Last Supper" in whatever form
,is or has been to showing a end. And since my love of comics isn't by some chance forgotten or totally missed I found
, this as well. (I would have loved to found one of the fellow on Sups left of the table with the white spider on the chest, ah well more searching on the net... or....) Finally Family should always include new outreaches so we can be open to friendships no matter where they come from? I hope that your upcoming dinner prayers are filled with care or least thankfulness of all that YOU have in your daily life.
So what had happen on Easter Sunday to give me a shot at real sci-fi classic of a spaced out doctor
and a spices robots designed like Tony Stark's Mark one steel amour better known as Iron Man, well read below to find out....
Hello out there in the Space Bridges of time....
Ah ha, I just bet with the word Space Bridges in the opening of my greeting you thought I was gonna being bringing up these ever changing robots known
as GO-BOTS? nha,really those are the robots called the "TRANSFORMERS". Anyone who glances at this even just for a minute or even a millisecond will know that this blog at heart is my love of sharing about life that is pretty awesome,and more importance here goes to guys like
these. I wanna share today about a old but always new Sci-Fi series that for the most part is the truest oldest running series ever,yes so that is right it older than most of you that always know your young at heart,I do know for sure it's older than me. In fact I'm not sure if this past Golden egg day more commonly called Easter Sunday wasn't in a way planned in sorts by my brother wife and his two kids of what we decided watch on their 3D tv set while we waited for two o' clock to arrive, which was when we were going over to Kathie's parents house to have more Easter fun with food and a possible egg hunt in the mix as well...
Any way when it was my birthday a few weeks ago, my nephew Cannon was trying to hit me with something that looked like a very trippy poor man's light saber from Star Wars or something even kookier from Star Trek core of engineering course from starfleet. I was looking the thing as he told me "It 's a screw driver uncle Matt, it from "Doctor Who" I of course said "that cool Cannon"he then showed me what it did. Now of what I know of "Dr. Who" is very limiting I'll let you in on that much,outside of watching it in small segments when I was very small on PBS. I didn't even know it had such a span of time and different actors playing the good Doctor
. All I knew when I was little I just for some reason not find a liking for it in my young Sci-Fi heart, yet for sometime after the end of the sixth season of Star Trek the next generation I got hit in the noggin with a Dr.Who television movie on the FOX network and all of sudden I found that whatever my gripes I had of it when I was a tyke were gone. Then off and on till last Sunday I had forgotten most of whatever I knew of the grand Doctor except for a small article in the now online magazine of WIZARD price guide to comics,where in the issue they were talking of "SCI-HIGH The big names and hidden gems of television that make up the 25 greatest sci-fi shows of all time!", the article had several side points-yet, I bet you cannot guess who came in as the number one series of all time.
Boy last night GOD had a great plan, as to "IF IT WORKED" reading this, is the only key to an answer for sure!
Hey isn't a strange thing that this entry's heading and it's very opening line are shall we say a reversal of meaning? I will be the first to admit what did happen was because of the infamous number 666. In fact yesterday was by far the greatest day of this past week, for me and here's why, it was the first in a very long time that I had gotten to work during the actual day part of the day. My lunch was at eleven thirty till noon, when I went to pay for my lunch at the self checkout my total came to exactly you got it the devil's random cursed number six hundred, and sixty six, when you write it out it doesn't seem as negative as it sounds now I guess that depends on if you feel your easily at risk of your belief of what you believe in? Anyway I told the cashier at the self checkout something very similar to this before heading to eat my meal. She had by the way said oh you better watch out something bad may happen to you.....
After work I got off at four I went to my bank because after paying for my lunch I had only a dollar or two for dinner. So for dinner I went to my favorite place as if you couldn't tell a place known as Subway. I was then using the crosswalk when it had happen... as I got to the curb a guy I have NEVER met was waiting to cross the corner that is nearly impossible to even cross. He said "Hey Hi," I had told him your in for a long wait with that very signal he said he didn't mind. We got talking about theway a darn street signal happens to be like a Christmas decoration. Now before I do go on I got tell you he had on a white bandana and a shirt that looked a bit like it had drops of bloody crosses and tan pants. So I was a bit leery when he said 'Hey you do know that GOD is the only ONE who can make blood be different colors? I was like "okay how do you figure that one thing out?" He said "of course it's red when it leaves the heart and red if we are wounded but, it is also purple as well when it flows through our veins. He told me what he likes to do and I told him of what I liked doing as well. Then he asked "you know we are tempted in our everyday things we do sometimes..." I told him I happen to call that the way of the world" he sees as temptation from the "Prince of Darkness", when he asked me do I believe in GOD I have to admit I gave a lame answer even I knew it. I told him "I see and feel GOD in a FREE Biasing way" I realized that now he and I had in our own ways had seen in a open arena of how we saw each other. He asked me When I had given my acceptance to Jesus I told him it was on June twenty second when I was twenty five. Before I let him go about his way we exchanged names I said "I'm Matt and you are?" "I'm Sean" he said and this morning at my Men's breakfast I shared about my early Easter encounter with a great brother who knows Christ as well as I do, or maybe a little more than I do but hey I'm okay with that too....
Happy Easter to you all and enjoy those egg hunts little ones....