April 16, 2010

My time in the captial of Ecuador

Hey ya good ol boys and down home girls,
This will be my last blog from two thousand and nine of Ecuador: for the time being anyway. Before my trek back to a part of the United States known as Tri Cities Washington my folk and I went to the capital of Ecuador by plane from where
they live in Cuenca. While on the plane ride to Qutio which was a forty five minute flight I got this volcanic mountain peak which my mom told me that the world's second largest Volcano for size. I was "WOWED" to say in the least.

We were there in Qutio for one whole day but I felt we got in a lifetime worth of things in that space of time. We went to a mall in Quttio that had at least thirty five floors to it because it was also a big hotel as well. Here is a looking up shot from the third floor and that day the elevator was out of order(or at least one was if I remember correctly there were four elevator but two were in need of repair)so we couldn't go to the top because we would be tried as heck when we got on the plane , for we'd have to climb up and then back down those same set of stairs besides we had better things to do besides ware ourselves out. Like other parts of Ecuador Qutio has big markets at for locals and tourists to shop this was right across from the mall/hotel in main downtown Qutio. We literately went to the center of the earth it took us thirty minutes to get there, No I kid you not Qutio Ecuador is where the largest city meets the center of the planet where a land mark can be seriously or so the early scientists of the seventeenth century believed so this was where they marked zero degrees latitude. Here is a walking path from the monument of the equator, what modern scientists have placed the true marker of where the monument should be is just southwest of where it is by less than one hundred yards as you see here where the flag is placed. Here my mother and I are touching at the poles of north and south on the dividing point of latitude right at zero degrees. Last but not least I got a shot of the city of Qutio Ecuador before leaving that day on the plane with my mom to come back to home in Washington State.

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