April 24, 2010

My parents place in Ecuador

Hello again from here in Cuenca,
I had promised you all a tour of
my folks place here in Cuenca Ecuador sometime ago didn't I? Well, let us hasten no further shall we. Before we begin lets look at their place from the outside before we go full force into their place.
This is their place from it's lobby which is off from their apartment less than five feet.
From last year we have Chuck coming back from the market with flowers for his sweetheart ho
ney.I wonder who that could be?, don't you? And also from last year and recall the blog known as "Just a couple more days and I'm off again", remember this image of their living room from back in two thousand and nine.

This is the entrance from when you enter their apartment/condo look in from their front door. Most of their rooms are mostly the same from two thousand and nine to two thousand ten, here is their kitchen
in "09" and here it is in "10", like I've said not much has changed there. Now lets look at their guest room from then till now, their guest bathroom hasn't changed one bit in a whole year.

One thing I didn't get from last year that I got was their bedroom.
Let's look at there outside of their place as well, and before I forget when we got here on April sixteenth Chuck was pulling back their curtain in the bed room and I missed a grand shot of my mom with her jaw opened like a cartoon character literately. Their back patio is so outstretched I'm going to only show a small portion of it because of it size but here it is from last year. Maybe some other time I will show how big their backyard is but that's another blog posting altogether. The one big difference between two thousand and nine to two thousand and ten is that they added add a glass wall/door from their kitchen to the outside patio. Now lets me tell you that they have a media room as well here's my mom on a computer from last year, and like the guest bathroom this room hasn't changed much over a year's time. Now let's go back to their doorway entrance of their place and lets now look at the NOT SO EMPTY living room area now, OK here it is Nancy & Chuck's new living room area: the painting on the wall is from my mother's cousin Bo Bartlett he signed this print: For Nancy. Nancy, Chuck, & Matt hope that you'll want to come for a stay with them in Cuenca someday soon but since they live here and I don't they would like to wish many safe travels wherever life's adventures take you.

1 comment:

Merri said...

Wow, Matt, thanks for sharing. The place looks great and I enjoyed your tour.