April 11, 2010

Just a copule of days and I'm off again!

Well it is about to happen yet again, and boy am I ever ready for it? what is it your asking right because who would be excited about or around April 15th which is as we all know is Tax Time, when a lot us may have to pay the government for use of their money or they owe a lot of average people money. Last year was the first time my folks had invited me to come see them in Cuenca Ecuador they had decided to rent out their home here to a friend of my mother. Before we left we ate at a place called Two Bits & A Bite with a few of their friends from here in the Tri Cities, That green car in the parking lot is soon to be arriving in Saint Cloud Minnesota to help our family that lives there since they will be having new teenager drivers very soon. Since the events of 9/11 anyone traveling needs to arrive very early to the airport for check in. We had arrived at the airport at four thirty in the morning even though our flight didn't leave till at least six thirty, I had happen to catch the sun rising.(boy that's pretty sweet maybe you should check out that last post about Sunsets after you have read this?)It took us at least most of the day into the evening we actually got into the Ecuadorian airport in Guayaquil at eleven forty five at night. My mom and I waited here in the international gate for my step father to come though customs (that story will be talked about next blog posting). We stayed in Guayaquil just for one day but here are a few pictures I want to share with you here is the main park in town from our hotel window
and in the park there are native lizards known as Iguanas
that roam the trees in the park. Here is Chuck my step dad posing with one of Guayaquil's main public representatives

and here are a group of Ecuadorian former leaders.
Before leaving Guayaquil I saw that they give boat tours.

Here are my folks in their apartment condo's kitchen, in Cuenca. This is what my folks living room looked like last time I was there, my mom told me that it is now furnished. I'll have to take a new look at this room and put it in the next posting too. Here I am at a restaurant called BQ when I heard my folk tell me it's name I first thought (Burger Queen something a comic book story would do to not get into trouble with Burger King or Dairy Queen) in their stories. Here is the river near my folks place after the rain,
right now it's there ma-soon time of the year . We went to the town square quite often to shop or even just to eat out
Look at how much a meal cost pretty cheap huh?
While on this visit I was just learning how to use my new Digital Camera that I got from Costco before leaving home I happen to have one day while there in Cuenca at my folks place that I was testing many different settings on the camera and here's their back patio.
Next time more from two thousand nine's trip: An America comic Icon from Ecuador, I'll just bet
you can't guess who he is?

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