April 16, 2010

An American comic Icon in Ecuador!

Hey Everybody,
I know I left you all with my last posting stuck in a place called Cuenca E
cuador, without finishing my my story from Guayaquil Ecuador when I was last in Ecuador visiting with my folks from last year in two thousand nine. What had happen was when we were going through customs to enter the country of Ecuador my step dad Chuck had brought a sewage pump for one of their toilets for their place in Cuenca. It had taken till about one thirty in the morning before we could leave the airport altogether Chuck had to barer with the customs official to pay to bring the sewage pump into Ecuador turned out to be one hundred and fifty dollars in U.S. currency. What is funny about the whole situation was is that for the past two years my folks were able to bring lots of things into the country without going through customs. I want to tell you that we went to a huge mall in downtown Guayaquil that had a few strange things in it like this my alien buddy and of course there in a side shop besides that one I happen to have found some of my favorite American comic Icon Spider-Man shampoo I guess? Or is this a water bottle? I tell you at the end of this posting what it turned out be because at this time I wasn't so sure what it was either. Also I got a great shot of my folks at that mall as well.Then in Cuenca we went to a mall where I told Chuck "Hey look at those guys they look like Green Lantern and I asked him to pose with them and here is the result of that. Really it was a add for shoes in a sport store in the said mall. Also when I went to leave for my first trip to Ecuador there was a Marvel movie about to be released in the united states it was called X-Men Origins Wolverine, well in that same mall where Chuck was posing with those heroes of footwear I saw this poster

at the movie theater and on my first day out shopping in the streets of Cuenca I happen to pick up a bootleg copy of it on DVD, this was two weeks before it was released in the United States. There is another Marvel movie coming out before I leave from here in Cuenca that I will try to get the Spanish/Ecuadorian version of it's poster if I get the chance. I will add the American version(s) that I got back at Christmas time from at (Columbia Center no less). What is it?, Well wait and see you shall,but before that in Cuenca super heroes are so popular I saw but didn't get two super cool things on my two thousand ten trip but I 'll keep my eye out for them. What they were was a blow up kid balloon of Bat-Man and a Superman shield bumper sticker on a car, (ah well I'm sure I'll find more American super heroes on this trip to photograph) I will say that I saw this cake design on one of Cuenca's many streets last year Pretty cool huh?, Well really this isn't a cake decoration but it was in a Cuenca party shop. I know that almost all of you know that last August that Disney brought Marvel and if this is your first time hearing this I'm glad that your reading it from the blog of someone who loves comics. Well look who my mother is posing with before that said August buy of Marvel how the heck was Mickey here in Cuenca Ecuador, well he was here to support an election. Did you know one thing I found out here in Cuenca is that super heroes sell laundry soap when they are broke , well Spidey does. Finally who is the hero in this picture is it my mom?,or is it Chuck?, or that clownly trash can on a Cuenca street.
I will let you be the one to decide who the hero is? Now who that aforementioned superhero movie poster is
IRON MAN 2, for now I can't find that (Columbia Center) but I will add it later and keep this one here as well.( I'm back home in the states, now I got back at seven thirtyish on Thursday, April twenty ninth. So I can now add that promised picture of the Iron Man2 poster from the Columbia Center mall so finally here it now is

as promised).

1 comment:

Matt said...

Hey everyone about what that first spider-man image in this post turned out to be was it was a shampoo bottle. And a funny thing happen when I post this one blog my mother's name appears as the one who posted it. I'll have it fixed by the next posting.