November 13, 2013

Where's the fun now Subway..... (pt.2 of 2)

Hello from the room of emptiness, 
So was it so hard to be able to find out where the joke was in yesterday's posting or not? If your answer to this is "YES...." I will tell you about it at the end of this one. Still what I wanna talk about today must be known as a real heart breaker, when one wants to consider what you like about the food you consume, weather you eat at home most of the time or like me love to eat out, at least most of the time. Now I have known that there was conversations at my local Subway restaurant of them eventually moving to a new location as far back to even before the young man seen here 
known as Jared had worked for the company, which was till  August sixth of last year. Now let me tell you the reader of this find page, that I Matt Byrd have always loved Subway ever since the latter summer of hen I graduated from high school in 1991, (which by the way those were/are Hanford High school's trademark colors that I wrote my year in, in case you were wondering..the reason I have loved Subway is because I have always been of a healthy mindset when it comes to what I eat. My favorite sub from back in the day was a foot long Turkey with everything on it expect the "HOT PEPPERS of either kind they had , which were Jalopies and Yellow Peppers called Pepperchinies on wheat bread that was my main stay for years....but I of course changed ever so often and that's what I'm let down about right at the moment. I have always had the restaurant really close by to where I live, and now the Subway that I have thought of as home since June 14,2000 has closed it's doors and moved up the street closer to my bank but a long jaunt for a sandwich after work when one is already tired. I'm sure I will eat there sometimes just not as much now.....As to the answer to yesterday Joke it was the WHOLE banner of Block Buster's that was the actual punchline.    

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