November 09, 2013

Oh so very close to that rare ALIAS # and so much more.....

Hey there all,
 It seems as if we are so very close to that very ominous # that kept Jenifer Graner's character of Sydney Bristow and the C.I.A. and SD-6 on their toes of the dead man known as Milo Rambaldi and his connection to something 

called page forty seven. Okay, okay so here is where our standings are in visitors hits as of the moment:forty six thousand six hundred and twelve. That if you ask me is pretty darn close to forty seven thousand and I know it maybe that it will get over that by the morning of November tenth two thousand and thirteen or it will be at least very close I'm thinking? I can tell you all outside of helping earlier today of with the cleaning up in vague part for the outside scene of this year's "Living Nativity" which is put on by my church known as the Cathedral of Joy I feel like a real heel of a gut smashing airhead! Why your asking I'm sure right well it seems when I last charged my Digital camera it went and I know not how but it died of taking photos all together. I am super PO at myself too  because I had put in one of my memory cards that had everything of two thousand and twelve on it. So stuff like this

and even more of cool stuff that I have to get from hard copy photos if I can find them of certain ones of post from earlier this year. The ONE THING I feel really bad about most of all was I had one really cool mini video recorded on the card of Stan Lee the co creator of the main Marvel comic universe that was really hard to get off of the channel known as "THIS". Still I know almost anyone who is reading this wants to know have I gone an seen this
movie yet since it opened on Friday?, well even through the answer for right now is a BIG NO this little hidden gem from an very old Hostess ad 
featuring the THUNDER GOD fighting for those Twinies we all love. So even through things are looking bad on some fronts such as missing great photos and needing to get a new digital cramrea, I won't let it give me the blues and just stop postings the blog no sir nothing at all will halt my ever thinking twisty brain, and the one thing that can stop me I just don't let it enter my thoughts at all.             

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