November 11, 2013

SOMETHING FOR ALL who served......

Hello to ALL,
Today is of course a VERY IMPORTANT DAY to remember those who are stronger in the face of danger than most common people in the country known as America. Now by any means I'm not saying that any one American citizen is weak of strenght at all either..... I'm taking my time and thinking of my own family members who are serving now. Like my sister Kylie, to all the way back to Ben Powers my grandaddy on my mother side of the family. On the other side of the Byrd family besides my sister, there was my dad his sister Betty and her husband Ted Arey and many cousins from on my dad's brother's Jim side of the family as well. The main way I know that all of these persons that I have mention right above are worthy of great honor is for the time of protecting our whole country, not just because they wanted or felt the need to, they like anyone shown in that image above all have/had the inner strength of courage to help not only strengthen their own resolve of helping them believe in themselves, but to protect everything they also love like everyone's freedom to be free from outward fear of whatever kind. I know that today later on Facebook I'm planing on writing something very equally inspiring to not only my sister, but also hopeful words of encouragement for all upcoming persons wanting/waiting to activity serve. To every Veteran I see today I will be more than honor bound from my heart and soul to Thank You with a handshake for your tour of duty. To anyone who is a Vet or activity serving Thank You as well if I don't see you know that these words that I Matt Byrd write on this very blog will make your strength in you power of belief will make you fight for freedom that much more important in your own heart and soul!               

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