July 22, 2013

Alice vs Alice (pt 1 of 6)

Hello to all who know of the world of the White Rabbit and his pals, Now I know that the very first thing coming into your train of thought is how in the world are you going make a comparison of such a old fairy tale in any form when think of the little girl seen here
 is who Charles Luntwide Dodgson actual inspiration for the little blonde haired girl known simply as Alice. Her name was Alice Liddell and she lived from May fourth, eighteen fifty two till November sixteenth, nineteen thirty four, boy you know it really wasn't all that far away in time that both of my parents were born a few years later after the woman whom was the influence for the Alice of the two Lewis Caroll books, yet I do know that my father Micheal Joe Byrd had that very same day as his birthday too. Even though Dodgeson penned the written words of Alice's tales he did not illustrate either story, from the time Alice fell into the Rabbit hole 
, the drawings were provided by Sir John Tenniel a popular graphic humorist and political cartoonist whom lived in  Kensington London in eighteen twenty, and eventual time moved to the United Kingdom part before his death in nineteen fourteen.  One of many jobs that lead Dodgeson to create Alice in the first place was that he babysat kids while working as a photographer when he first met the Liddell family in eighteen fifty six, he meanwhile finishes his mathematics masters associate degree a year later from the Christ church of Oxford in which while lecturing on the subject  was when he came up with the word known more as a character in "Through the looking glass" :Jabberwocky. In Alice's Adventures in WONDERLAND it starts out as any story does with the main character Alice dozing off  while pondering why being a grown up person matters......when she'd rather focus on kid thoughts about making a daisy chain out a set of those follows. Now remember she is sleeping when she sees the White Rabbit
  for the first time, and decides to see where he is off to in mainly because he of what he is wearing is what most puzzling so on she followed him to his hole. A moment later Alice finds herself what she thinks in her mind as peering into the hole from above ground to be that she is falling into what can't be possible the rabbit's dug out home, and it turns out that she is still falling into what seems more like a well than a hole in the ground dug up by a furry creature with fluffy ears as she falls she notices that cupboards and bookshelves and maps are appearing everywhere and anywhere around her. (Note it is only in the Disney version that her cat Dinah falls with her in the nineteen fifty one, remember Disney made one more actuate to what I talking about here 

by Tim Burton in two thousand and eleven at least to some degree).  Alice after some thoughts on her loving feline finally reaches the bottom of whatever the rabbit hole really is again viewing the White Rabbit she tired to follow him only to find she was in a long hallway, that had many doors that were locked she came upon a three legged table made of glass and on it was a tiny golden key to open a door but which one for Alice hadn't found the door the key would fit or at least not as of yet. Wherever she was rabbit hole or well it was dark, and she was scarred, but at the door she was at she had tried the golden key only once when she did it a second time the door opened into a even stranger world than either a well or a hole at all. She peeked inside the locked door and saw a garden full of bright flowers. She then turn back to the three legged table hoping to find another way to look at what she sought through the whole other door that stood in her way, but found when she reached her hand out to what was on the table she found a tiny bottle with a note "DRINK ME" on it at first she hesitated thinking it maybe poison then went all in an drank what was in the bottle and grew tiny. All of sudden she realized she forgot the golden to unlock the door which she thought was on that glass table she began to cry and found instead on the table a glass box with a whole cake that said "EAT ME" on the outside note. She grew again but this too big she was able to grab the golden key but then what was to happen next would dare scare any child real or fictionalized. She had thought for a moment that she had heard the rabbit coming again but so unsure she recited her multiplication tables and figure out poems all while still having tears because she had no idea of how to get through the door to the garden or out of the dark hallway that lead only to the opening of what brought her here in the first place. For because being so over thoughtful she didn't realize she had fallen into her own saltwater known as tears, and all sudden she starts seeing a mouse float by then other animals as well from birds to crabs she was then thinking maybe I'll wash up on a beach, it turns out the mouse could talk and Alice could understand him so the mouse help guide all the other animals the way that Alice lead to shore wherever it might be! At last they had found a bank and were deciding how to dry themselves off before they got sick 
or at least Alice anyway. Alice while wading with the animals asked the mouse "why it is afraid of a cat or a dog?" but came to hear nothing of what the mouse had said in response they were all ready to get dry when a bird known as the Dodo asked of what shall be the prizes if there is a way to dry off, wouldn't you know it there has to be a prize hog everywhere how shameful is that? well anyway so there was a race an Alice offered up the prizes of thimbles all the animals were to say the least a bit miffed at this new visitor in their world and they all left poor little Alice alone once again..... In part one of the Zenescope produce comic look of Alice in Wonderland seen here
Alice doesn't have a sister she resides with but rather her grandparents, as to which parent of hers that they raised I do not yet know? She is talking with them about being scarred of something near a big hole in tree. Her grandfather says "Don't be afraid Alice, but sometimes in life we have to do stuff we just don't want to do and that's the way things are okay?"  She enter the knot hole in the tree to find out it is a tunnel to what she doesn't yet know? but at the end of the tunnel she sees a shadow of a rabbit while at the same time hearing faint voices calling out to her. When she reaches the shadow it does turn out to be a White Rabbit and he leads her to a room full of big doors, she asks "What are you doing?" he responses "NOT ME. Gravity" she then starts to hear another voice coming from the rabbit asking "Sometimes she likes to play" and Alice says while upside down now "And what if I don't want to play?"
and then she falls even further through space till she ses a mirror reflection of herself and she meets a green worm like monster that is the aforementioned character from Dodgeson's working lecture from eighteen fifty seven the Jabberwocky. They make a deal what it all entails I don't know this yet, but what I do know is he drops Alice right the middle of Wonderland again this time Alice is a preteen by the looks of her appearance of the aging of the character and that is the ever so constant thing that always is the only thing that does change oh one tiny thing more by the end of part one of the comic story eveything from the famed Cheshire cat to walrus from "Through the looking glass wants tasty little Alice as a meal to consume.........

   To Be Continued for Wonders sake!                                          

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