April 23, 2016

The most important part of this Vacation thing called family! (Part 2 of 17 Zum,Zum Fun!)

Hello everyone,
   Well as you all know or may not know that this year's plans of my vacationing with my folks Nancy Powers Watson and Chuck Ross Watson ended up having a MAJOR OCCURANCE HAPPEN. See original we were planning to be going to Europe, specifically France to a city of grand art places known as Paris, but after the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Syria more commonly abbreviated as ISIS from back during last November in 2015 shocked a lot of people around the world. It was hard for a lot of those same shook up people that were planning to visit Paris turned about if they would still feel safe if they were to travel there for pleasure, besides if you work in that part of Europe and were a foreigner you had to deal with the straws that you are dealt for your lively hood mattered on your income no matter what! 
     Still after hearing of this national impact on the city of love in the world my folks and I were thinking of more at home okay within the united states kind of traveling would be a better safety cushion for the given time. We had thoughts of going to the grand canyon or Yellowstone national parks as our plan of attack for my vacation time out and away time from Albertsons that was until mid February....when we decided to go to California and visit universal studios. I took sometime to think on that and decided that I would be more in lighting on going and seeing the greatest starred filled  sidewalks of America among other things.....
         This morning my folks and I left from the Pasco Best Western Inn, usually we stay at the Red Lion in Pasco when we are headed out from my vacations yet they were just full this time around so that is the backstory of while we didn't stay where we do most every time when leaving the Tri Cities. We boarded a Delta  plane and flew to Slat Lake Utah  and here is a photo my mom got as we

were touching down on the tarmac. We then continued on to Oakland California and we took the BART and no I don't mean that kid famous from Matt Groening cartoon series that gets into trouble no matter what, It's also the name of California's inter connecting state wide railing system. We found ourselves having to take a city bus to get to the right BART to get to my sister's Kylie's town of Dublin and while waiting for that one BART interchange I happen to spot a very popular sport

stadium seen here. Yes it is true I saw the Oakland Raiders football stadium alas from afar but I still saw it which is pretty sweet. While on that BART interchange I took two really cool photos one is this map 

showing the stops till Dublin itself 

, and this one of a chance not to miss a ball game of baseball for that very matter either. As we were going through Oakland on the bus we or I should say I saw a really neat photo opportunity but missed it of a big Green sign that in white letters it said "CANNON'S CONSTRUCTERS" and just so you know this isn't the only time on this venture where I saw my other nephew's name so prominently featured either. Once we got to Dublin we drove to my sister's place and my nephew Bryce made us some cheese sandwiches with our choices of cheese on the sandwich for lunch and then he showed me all of their home and everything he does to help my sister around the place, it was then after looking at some his old superman comics that my sister Kylie suggested that Bryce and I go to the local comic shop which was about three miles away. Bryce along the way told me some cool stories and when we got there we spent a good two and half hours or so it seemed to me like it was that anyway. Here is Bryce with his stash of comics

,that uncle Matt got him on Free Comic Book day which is of course the first Saturday in May. While there at that shop I also picked

these up for myself 
     As we were headed back to Kylie's place we got a Surplee and a Big KITT KATT bar that Bryce shared with me when we walked around their Connor and saw the folks and Kylie headed to a California Swiftstop which is much like a GOODWILL or a VALUE VILLAGE to just look around, when we were done there we went for dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant and I had a very interesting seaweed soup and finally before heading home for our first night in the golden state we went to a Wal-Mart so mom could get some cereal she wanted.... and on the cereal aisle I also saw one more thing that I wished I would had my camera for which I guess was a Wal-Mart special in California it was a STAR WARS cereal box with R2-D2 on it.      
                To Be Continued               

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