April 27, 2016

So you think TRUMP is something.......Who was Hearst....and praving the way to.....(Pt.6 of the Zum,Zum, road warriors)

Hello All who are on the GOLDEN ROAD with me to tinsel town,
   Before we get going with this one I do have to admit my brain is always in flux when comes to titling these posts wouldn't you say?  Anyhow what I really want to let everyone know was that after getting to San Simion California we had decided after finding out the tours to the castle were stopped for the day we would by our tickets for the first outing for this morning at the visitor's center when we bought our tickets we were able to see a short film about William Randolph Hearst from before her was born till his death. It included the building of the very place seen just above our heads
After watching the film we looked around the inside of the visitor center Here is a small bit of what we saw just on the outside of the theater

Now there is one very Big difference between Hearst and Trump is really only this is one was for the Democrats and the other is for the Republicans. The thing they both share are a lot of money. In the short film we find out that William's dad was a miner during the gold rush times in the early eighteen hundreds yet while everyone else was on for gold George Hearst was the miner who first found silver and spent very little time with his son, while William and his mother traveled Europe and other parts of that side of the world, in fact the only he and his pa saw eye to eye on was wealth.
         Then before going out to eat at one the ocean side restaurants we saw when came to our hotel we went back about four or five miles back on the highway where we had seen the whole beach covered

with these wonderful animals. When we got up this morning I took two my cereals down to the hotel's breakfast area and also had a banana with my meal and some juice. We got to the Hearst visiting center at eight forty and saw a little bit more of Hearst History
along with getting our photo taken with a green screen behind us before boarding our tour bus seen here.
I can only tell you that our audio narrator on the bus was none other than the host of the show after Wheel of Fortune on most NBC network stations? Once we got to the castle itself we could take pictures outside with a flash like these seen

  here. It was once we were inside the castle that we had to turn the flash option turned off on our cameras. And yes to find out that Hearst had started building this very place because of  an architect that was in his employment already working for one of Hearst's many newspapers in California her name was Julia Morgan had blown a p[art of his hillside ranch mountain with dynamite in the year nineteen, nineteen Hearst was both mad and happy at the same time for he could start to build his "La Cuesta Encalada" which is Spanish for The Enchanted Hill. They worked for twenty eight years of putting the castle together, but Hearst was always changing his mind even when it was completed in nineteen forty seven when Hearst started ailing Altogether it is consist of  Fifty six bedrooms, sixty one bathrooms, nineteen sitting rooms, one hundred and twenty seven  acres for gardens, and indoor and outdoor pools, a tennis court, and  a movie theater, an airfield and last but not least Hearst had his own privatized zoo. Here are some of the sitting rooms I got pictures of.

When we got done with our tour of "The Grand Rooms" we boarded the bus and headed back to the visitor center Chuck got a coffee to go to keep him awake throughout the day, we went in search of his mother's home church her name was Phoebe Apperson Hearst and every Sunday she rode in the Carriage seen here

for a three days to reach her destination. Once we reach the Presbyterian church she attended it had been rebuilt several times over and it was close to lunch time I had suggested this restaurant seen at a glance here.
It was Popeye's Chicken and the last time I remember having some their food was back when I lived in Maryland from nineteen eighty six till the summer of nineteen eighty eight, and if my memory serves I think it was when we were in Baltimore when we had that outing. So after leaving the city boundaries of San Simion we went down the freeway toward you guessed if you haven't already to Hollywood.
       To Be Continued.....  


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