March 19, 2014

THE 100 is

Hey lonely Si-Fi seekers, 
Well after weeks of the coolest tease of something called "THE 100"  it is airing right this moment on the station called The C.W.and all I can say is this it doesn't disappoint in need of better ideas for television. For me after seeing the very first trailer I was hooked, because for some reason or other to me it reminded me of the nineteen fifty four novel seen here 
which happens to still till this day for some reason resonates with many in search of raising outta nothing and showing us as at some point of life how we all come to our baser instinct for falling into chaos at some level without realizing it. The two main movie series that deal with the very subject matter besides "THE 100" are "THE HUNGER GAMES" trilogy and the series that starts off with "DIVERGENT" with there heroines
seem to say to be strong in every aspect of life. The 100 is set ninety seven years after a nuclear war has changed the whole planet earth and all humans live out in space above the planet earth in a huge station known as "The Ark". It is the final decision "The Ark's main leader Chancellor Kane (?), whose is played by former "LOST" hatch button pushing Desmond Hume     
star Henry Ian Cusick sends exactly one hundred teenagers who are prisoners for manor crimes on earth but are considered completely dangerous on The Ark down to see if since now The Ark is decaying out in space if earth is just possibly re inhabitable. Once on the surface on the planet the teenagers they find out that they have landed way far off course from their intended target point.Which was Mt. Weather, and between all them only one prisoner number three nineteen, name Clarke is the one with the most responsible of following their leaders orders of finding out if life of humanity can begin anew. We come to find out that most of the teens view this as something else entirely, a chance of freedom to do as they like.....(see where The Lord of The Files is set to come about) there are lead by this guy whose name is 

Bellamy who has what in mind for all the others, all we the audience know  is as he himself says "Hey what's wrong with Embracing Chaso" 
Meanwhile up on the Ark Clarke's mother Abbey is trying get the main Chancellor well again from some unknown medical treatment that he is in need of while facing off with Chancellor's Kane whole idea of sending the teen prisoners to their death.....which seems to be the case especially

when this crash lander named Jasper tries to impress a rich crash lander named Octaiva who earlier was 
showing him that the water is safe ........  
yeah like there aren't things like strange new water life from all of the nuclear waste as to how gripping is this for a series opening lets say I give it a nine point two on my rating scale. I can't wait till I can find the novel this all based off. As to if this is smashing hit we'll have to wait for the nuclear waste to clear till next Wednesday!                

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