March 07, 2014

Even I'm surprised by this?

Hello All,
 Boy when you first hear of stuff, of anything really one will tell you that when they first hear of stuff that you the listener are just blow quite away for sure......A grand example of something of this magnitude of recent stuff that is a deathblow to fans of the comic book character that wears the very same color of red in his suit as the color of the very text I''m writing in along with this color of blue went and made a deal with the devil to save his dying relative yes you know who I'm talking about if you just swing through the side entries here
that of course show Marvel Comics desire to have the man behind those long johns,namely Peter Parker never have a wedding back in the summer of nineteen eighty seven. Then at the same time or roughly a year before Parker's Happiness ever came about in a movie about Robots in Disguise they have the leader of the Atuobots killed by his arch nemesis Megatron 

only to make little kids really pissed off, but the toy company behind the toy line was just making way for the new series of toys coming out that year.Yet if you wish to go even further back in science fiction history to the year nineteen eighty two Star Trek The Wrath of Khan killed off the beloved Vulcan character of Mister Spock 

to save the Enterprise from certain destruction at Khan's hands. So why am I sharing this surprise that talking about as bad news or seeming like it's that way, is because I do feel sadden in a way for people who work at the grocery chain known as Safeway at some point because today before my lunch I had heard from a store costumer that they had heard by looking on the internet that our parent company of Albertsons Cerberus, has brought our greatest competitor known better as Safeway just yesterday or rather late last night I guess?

 What gets me is that one given day I don't know when but there won't be a middle class for people who live here it will boil down to either your RICH or your POOR. I think when that happens we will ALL lose more than we gain of the greatest thing on this place we call earth, the POWER OF SHARING ideas weather bad or good I think everyone needs to show corporations that being greedy is just plain stupid no matter what because ONE DAY you may never have a product to sell to everyone because we all have a choice in what one likes or loves. And at least getting back to my point here I fear that Spidey won't be around or other Marvel comic book characters for that matter because they keep driving the nail of getting more fans away by pissing us comic readers off by saying it's our way or the highway! At least both Star Trek and the Transformers saw what was the problem were and set things in a rightful growing path by admitting their creativity mistakes. I just hope people from all around understand I mean we the people have to ALL LIVE BY ONE GRAND RULE and what is that RULE YOUR ASKING? It is this be the best you, you can be not because someone says "I'm better than you, at everything or something in that context, of speech because YOUR the ONLY ONE WHO can choose your freedom of doing the good nature way of LOVING LIFE or HATING IT, for myself to pull me out of the slumps I think it best to have a good sense of humor no matter what for it will give you hope if you can laugh at life to be better for us all. It give one strength to overcome anything at all even if you are facing the unknown which let's face it everyday is that is it not?        

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