March 24, 2014

Reversal of time like that's even possible today.........

Hello all,
  I still can't get over how strange it is for me when my birthday comes around every year.... I think anyone who likes being themselves from the heart knows where I'm coming from or at least I hope you would?  Today is of course my day of beginnings as I was stating for my sister Kylie earlier this very month. So I'm trying to figure out my best way of sharing of the day that would truly matter as if being only four hundred and twenty years old ever made someone truly young in the spirit of one's own heart and soul. I believe as long as the birthday person has a bounce in their step on that all important day of getting another year older what does it matter of what others think? In the age of social media it's great that the birthday one can have fun on their grand day by their many friends and family members enjoying their blast of gracing yet another year of fun. All in all your date of birth doesn't mean as you get older you have to change into someone your not, unless you want to change for the better on one's birth date, as for me since I love Spider-Man as a whole even though I wish the company that makes him does understand everyone has a choice of liking who they do writer wise or editorial wise on the company's main core character that everyone sees as shining hope of liking other characters of that same company. I just wish that every marvel comic fan could have a book for their take on Peter Parker's life and have there finally since the end of 2007 have growth in the character like there ought to be is my biggest wish for the character that I know! With that being said I did have a costumer from the store give me 

this cool unseen from in this pic anyway a nifty Spidey balloon, in a moment I'll show you what it's actual image was but first I have to say from my June Bullnett who gave me this neat bag from Normstroms
"Thank You from the most inner part of my soul and heart to yours, for the wonderful gifts that you gave me earlier at Albertsons". So I know everyone wants to know what she gave me huh?, well she gave a very nice card with words of gracefulness and a fifteen dollar gift certificate to I.N.C.A.S. which happens to be in the same area of Albertsons. Finally she gave me a Holy Rosary Catholic prayer beads with what I am assuming is my Aries birthstone of the beads color scheme, I'm not so sure if I'll use it directly for when I pray my own prayers to Jesus when I do pray that is but I know that one thing is set in stone between me and my friend June and that is this: " We both have very strong beliefs of knowing God as a loving all compassionate being that loves us poor, sad, happy, bad, an even uncertain at times beings known as humanity. I had also gotten besides a lot praises of both teasing and truthful acknowledgements of "Happy Birthday" from other fellow employees and costumers on e of them went and gave me a very colorful cupcake that you can almost not even see in that photo above. Still here it is super close up for better inspection for all to see
the RED & WHITEand finally BLUE star shield happens to remind me that in a couple of weeks time from now on the fourth of April that this guy seen here 

will be with Steve Rogers better known as Captain Americthe Winter Soldier. Which is based off a Marvel Comics comic story of the same name, but how will some of the onscreen story differ from the comic one that had happen just after Cap was killed after the event of two thousand and seven's comic story, known as CIVIL WAR! Which I'm sure will be on my reading list of comic wise stuff. Since April 4th ain't that far away? As to the whole picture of the Mylar balloon that I was talking about above and wore on my belt at work for the whole day here it is
in all of it's Spider-Glory. I do hope that if you who reads this happens to have a way of remembering your BIG DAY when it does happen you write it down what you felt on that given exciting part of your life, because let me tell everyone something the time to jolt down the thrill of your own life on your birthday doesn't just affect you of your own elation while experiencing it. It will help future generations of your own family finding comfort of knowing the REAL whoever you are! Before they even got a chance to learn their own family tree. I guess what it is I'm trying to get at is this if you don't blog that is very much okay but before you get to old to recall your best times of life find the right way of leaving your own legacy so your family and friends can find the moments that shine so very brightly in life to give them if nothing else strength when they are in need of powerful hope. And wanting to think of you their endeared loved one.     


Nancy Watson said...

Matt, thanks for sharing your birthday. Most of all thank you for the being you...a loving, thoughtful, child of God.

Matt said...

Thank you mom, (Nancy Watson) for the very kind comment that you left here on the release of "My Birthday Entry". It means so much to me (Matt Byrd) that I can reach others in the world who wish to have something to be remembered by. That I'm very glad to give high recommendations when I can think of a awe inspiring idea to truly set forth on any given day if I can!