August 12, 2013

Sure every family member has one, and it's always neat to know all care.......

Hello All,
 Today for the life of me I just could not at all have a single thought of what to write about? At all? I mean seriously I am like everyone else in the way of, a one thought mainly stuck in my noggin  and as if you didn't know right now it has been about a story that is one hundred and forty eight years old, and most people I'm sure think you can say only or add so much to a set of words that make up 
such a tale. That of course being of by the author  Charles Lutwidge Dodgson better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll. Still without a doubt no matter how much I  think of it as I said before almost nothing at all came to mind of what can or should I write about today, until I went to go and see what was abounding on the social site known as Facebook gave me the only answer I needed and in a special one by all means.  Before I get to what I found there let me say I have talked about these in many ways here on the site itself  and my most recent one was to my first grade teacher, Miss Hartley. If you guessed it was someone's big day again of aging fun your would be without a doubt absolutely right! Today it turns out that it is my sister's  son named Bryce  is taking if you will center stage as you can see here 
for his honorable day known as his birthday. I would like to take a few moments to share with you all some the times in the way of pictures of some of my and other family members time with ol birthday boy oh and for some reason there is a cool little money trick involving the death of  a Batman figurine in the mix as well. See it you can tell where it is if you dare:  


as you see Mister birthday boy is without a care quite a little ham of being a clown of silliness when he has been near me with a few exceptions of course, but that is to be the fulfillment of being so young and weather it is he who is making those moments so grand all the more to you Bryce. I'm glad you are such a very adventurous young man with your funny faces and that you enjoy life to the fullest everyday because that is what any person having a grand day known as a birthday shall do in every way possible and finally before I let you off the hook I have to show your return dance or whatever it was from when you and your mom Kylie went with uncle Matt and Mimi and Poppi on that Disney cruise 
from last May. All in all Bryce I do hope you enjoy you last single digit B-DAY. 
Love as always your uncle "Spidey" Matt Happy Birthday buddy. Oh and since it's choose plate time now I'll try to include something that very much you in the three choices which are these for today    

good luck everyone I hope you've have a great day even if it's not your Birthday like my nephew Bryce.

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