August 05, 2013

If you love it, or hate it you'll kick yourself for this GRAND MISS!

 So let me ask you aren't YOU GLAD YOU DON'T HAVE EVERYDAY Troublesome  days like ol exterminator BUGSHOT Boy, well just enjoy if you can muster the will to read this one, all in all I know you'll love it in the end!

Hello all, 
Today I wanna talk about something that I know will have you rolling in your computer chair or where ever you are, while reading this one. Does anyone remember the science fiction author Robert Heinlein type of books, the only one I read ever was his "Time enough for Love" seen here
 , which I had happen to get at Warren Books sellers when we still two book stores out at Columbia Center mall those were the days for sure. I'm almost certain that at the time which was in nineteen ninety  was my very first venture into science fiction authors outside of my very own comfort zone, with the exception of Ray Bardbury  who I read a year before his book with this very image
that in a way foresees the coming of stuff like the internet or at least technology in some form or other, in the story called Fahrenheit 451 in which any book is just burned, or the always mentioned here Issac Asimov who created the greatest part of sceince fiction robots and how they function. Still I won't deny when I was younger I also knew of H.G. Wells and others works I just don't think they need mentioning since this entry is about Robert Heinlein's piece known as Starship Troopers which he wrote back in nineteen fifty nine at first in serial magazine format (which is where a part would appear once a month it ran from October and November of fifty nine in a magazine called "The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction", before appearing like this  
,which had the whole story, in the last month of that year.  The story itself, was about a young man known as  Juan "Johnny" Rico experiences during war time with a race of Arachnoid species known as  The Bugs and how he and his military group known as the Roughnecks take them down on their home world called Klendathu. In the latter part of the following year it became a well renown seller of a book when through the latter half of fifty nine was still like it was when it came out in magazine form a very low seller. Come thirty eight years later in nineteen ninety seven screenplay writer Ed Neumeier and director Paul Verhoeven a  TRISTAR Pictures and TOUCHSTONE Pictures presented a Jon Davison production of STARSHIP TROOPERS of the same name here is what my copy of my DVD cover looks like 
,that I plan to watch soon......... say what? why are you gonna wanna watch it? Wondering you are yes I can tell as you read these typed written words. Well when my friend Jeff and I saw "MAN OF STEEL on this past Saturday in the previews leading to the start of the movie one trailer we saw was.....well before I dare go on does anybody remember that old show on the Sci-Fi channel known as "Mystery Science Theater" where two alien puppets and a human went and totally wreck the holly tar outta great sci-fi classics just by being shadowed images at the bottom of the screen. It turns out on the fifteenth of this month in selected IMAX theaters those crackpots are at it again and I just wished I could see this not because it's a limited time frame but because I loved both shows on a whole. Maybe if I can't find time to see it when it is out I can if I'm lucky when it comes out on DVD buy it and have my bowl of popcorn on my own time and just laugh myself to all out tears of joy. 
 These are your choices for today of what YOU think the plate shall be    

, I just wish I knew how I can poll everyone's favorites........                  

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