August 04, 2012

Whilst, waiting for to be a vampire hunter ABE Linclon fights who???

Hello to those out there that are still very much like me I'd be guessing wanting to see our sixteenth Prez as a hunter for the type character that turns into part of the other name of the Dark Knight, which we all know as BATMAN! Well that's right I am talking vampires and the wait of Abraham Lincoln as a vampire hunter because it was in movie theaters only three weeks if that.....based off of that book I read seen here , back towards the end of ol scary month itself October last year. Well when it was here for that wee bit of time a movie that would have been gone the very day it was to be released because of well in it our president whom won the civil war even as he was killed by John Wilkes Booth before his second term was just getting underway in 1865, this other movie which also had him fighting the undead is called Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies . All I really knew was this film when it came out at red Boxes everybody who was anybody who wanted to see the vampire one felt let down if you know what I mean? The opening of the film has Abe's parents trying to fight off a Zombies when his mother is afflicted by one and with in a year's time while he is cutting wood his dad leaves the job of dealing with ma to young Abe. He is in the first few weeks before the civil war get heavily into play with a solider coming back from a part of Shantty only by himself without his men. Mister Lincoln may have a bit of insight of what a plagues everyone or he maynot as well? Still he take twelve soldiers with him to fortify a base known as fort Pulaski along the way there he meets up with one of many of his secessionists as a kid known as Teddy Roosevelt , you also see a meeting that shalt ever really occur for whom is this Confederate soldier seen here
,trying to attack a praying leader of a divided country. All in all you can with a doubt know that this is a very tongue and cheek storytelling just to really make one hurl with agreat laugh of cheap movie making gone down toilet even though you want to watch it anyway. You gotta admit the actor who played the lead had the most fun
,of all I mean could you feel strong enough take on saving the country and your time in the world if you fought whatever maybe the true challenge of fate even that of fighting Zombies.....

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