August 14, 2012

The Manhattan Project (pt.1 of 2)

How cool the front page can be at times huh?...

Hello to those who remember and those who don't of a way to end the war known as World War II......
Now I won't lie about this but to me the side of the war that mattered most to me was the battle of April 7,1945 w
here the great and forever remembered battleship Yamato sank at a little after two pm from the operation known as "Ten Go" a last ditch effort to protect
Japanese balance of power north of Okinawa of fuel sources. The reason I like that part of history from world war II is because it is directly omitted from the Anime known as STAR BLAZERS here in America and like I've said in posts related to the Anime back history it would be helpful to know all if it's possible so that mainly young kids can/could ask about the past.
This isn't about the end of the war from the forces
of Germany or Japan at all but from right here at a place called HANDFORD.
Last Saturday when I was grabbing up a hopeful comic quest I saw as I was headed by a corner barbershop back to catch the bus a heading topic on the paper said "coming Monday Richland library host The hi
story of The Manhattan Project" Here is today's

copy of the local paper with what had happen. I only wish I could have gone to it myself is all I can think of learning of the place you live of it's own back story is always important as the here and now
To be Continued ........

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