June 07, 2012

Something worth sharing from the other letter "T" day of this week

Well back from this Cruise thing ,
I can not believe my luck of luck? what that your saying you wanna know more of that grand adventure, well sure maybe another time perhaps yet you know I will anyway right so don't fret..... I wanna share with all of you something related to this Flag wearing
suited guy's

much anticipated new
Amazing movie coming out very soon! Well on Tuesday night I was watching the news on our local NBC station when they said coming up on the TONIGHT show with Jay Leno Emma Thompson and a sneak peak at the new film. So I wasn't so sure if I had my digital camera's battery charged so I went and immediately placed it in it's charger for a good ten minutes which was a good little thing since I forgot to put it in there earlier Monday at some given time! Well any way here are the YouTube links:
http://youtu.be/zqeR-snv3pw ,http://youtu.be/gm6YoPyBB7c ,

http://youtu.be/VvOSrgMtCeg ,
,for the said interview oh and Thor fans will be excited too I'm just saying?

1 comment:

Matt said...

Hey I for some reason can't believe that I totally screwed up the name of the New Gwen Stacy character's real life name in this entry. Emma Thompson as I call her her is really Emma Stone, I think I was thinking of Peter's tormenter from his high school days Flash Thompson I just don't how else to explain the mistake?