October 13, 2013

Just another strange indy movie...

Hello movie thriller seekers,
Hey look I know I was just talking about a super cool monster flick just yesterday from when I rented three DVDs from good ol Blockbuster video store that is near me. Still there was one that just grabbed me even through the title was very forwardly stupid, it was called NAZIS AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH
, and like every other independent film I've talk about here this one has a cool high point in this it's a really wacky take on Adolf Hitler, in this he turns out to be brought back from the dead as a Transformer of sorts 

,say what? This was made by the same production company that made Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies that I wrote about when I was watching the Johnny Depp make of "Dark Shadows"  late last year, the production company's name is The Asylum. They make mostly movies that would be considered "Mostly Pinocchio strung work" but are good for a great time if nothing right now that's out strikes a punch for a movie goer.  In the story of Nazi at the center of the earth it starts out with the last few weeks before the end of World War II and these Germans have been trying to find a way to bring life back to their leader, Hitler with a machine they made by their war expert but are found out by the world and are killed before learning how to use the very machine. Jump to present day: After two scientists go missing in the Antarctic the rest of the five of the team travel to where those to vanished only to find themselves sucked into a really bad cater that has a lit wall behind them and are forced to call the light water in the script. One of the very geneticists scienitit has been waiting for this moment to rejoin his long forgotten project to bring the very control Hitler had when he crafted the Third Reich back during his rule of the country known as Germany. Now thorough those remaining Nazi soldiers that assumed to of died in the Arctic are now Zombies trying to use modern means of being the great race they claimed to be, with a doctor by the name of Joeef Mengele who is played by multiple actors. These Nazis do get what the want which is a reborn Hitler and a spaceship? to conquer the whole earth...only to have it all taken away in two seconds. Yes this film isn't a grand masterpiece as I said earlier at the start of this, but it does have it's small amount of a one room feel no matter what by it's end. An as for it being a Halloween winner let me say it's more of a bad choice when I wanted to be scarred more than bored to Z-land, in fact I wished I would've gone with my choice of the remake of "PROM NIGHT" instead. Still I think I can survive.....till the real night of candy fun that is!                                

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