January 21, 2013

The genre known as Sci-FI now has two Spocks say what?

Hello Sci-Fi and comic lover fans alike, 
I'm sure most of us know that way back when there was a character put to paper by a Television writer named Gene Rodenberry and actor Leonard Nimoy whom came up with the pointy eared fictional Vulcan named Spock in the never before seen pilot to the ever popular science fiction  known as Trek, Well actually Star Trek, that made us believe at a time of finding yourself with peace and love was with drugs in the nineteen sixties you could also truly believe in exploration through peek on your TV sets. Spock had turned out to be not only cool by his viewpoints ending more times than not with the word "Fascinating ....." he is a loyal friend to his commanding officer James T Kirk and always it seemed to smart for his other earth friend known as Dr. McCoy.    
 Star Trek originally ran from September 8,1966- June 3,1969, yet way before that "S definable series of scenic fiction came about there was two fellows with S as their starting initial who came up with this fellow  
who also starts with the letter "S" way before Star Trek was a gleam in any fan of science fiction eye. Still we are not here to really chat about either one these grand characters who share more in common than one might think? or at least now they do.....You know sometimes things that I post here at the site happen for a reason and even through I am planing other reasons to share the image seen off to the right      

, I have just found out even though I don't like the parent company who owns Spider-Man right now known as Marvel Comics for a Major reason that you can find out in other postings here. Still there is a HUGE HIT going on the internet that in the genre known as science fiction or specular tales if you will that's what science fiction was referred to over three centuries ago People who are searching out Spider-Man right this minute are finding pictures of him fighting this guy known as Otto Octavius        
 , who like Mister Spock of Star Trek fame has more or less pulled a mind switch with Mister Peter Parker of late.......

How did this happen? And if it really did occur where is Peter Parker himself throughout this whole sticky shakeup mess of being in the wrong line of work of being a hero? I think that the writer of the title named Dan Slott is stuck in the Star Trek wannabe universe for as fans of Star Trek does anyone remember "Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan" where at the end before saving the enterprise Spock put his mind into McCoy's head for safe keeping while his body rested on the Genesis planet only to be reemerged on his home planet of Vulcan. Anyway right now Spider-Man himself has Octavius's mind and goes by the name Spider-Ock but wouldn't it be much cooler oh so very much so if he was just known till this story arc runs it's course as SPOCK.....      

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