January 02, 2013

Still can remember the first time I grew one......

Boy with those images on the far left there maybe I don't know you would be thinking that this is somehow related to that great green day called Saint Patrick's Day.???.......but hey it's to darn early to be thinking of things that are growing like springtime when it is still just the very start of the first month known as January. This very post is about that very subject of beards though.Now please tell me if you will if you recall me sharing about have a nail in my foot tale when I had gotten the child aliment known as the Chicken Pox when I was in my tenth grade year heading into my eleventh year of high school.I know that I have in sometime or other shared a wee bit of it in the past. Well that was when I was forced to actually let my face be engulfed by whiskers  for the first time and my mom's dad bless his heart did my first job for me of covering my paper rote run while I was mending back to my ever energized self.That was also the same time that my mom's cousin Bo Bartlett came with his sons and dad to visit us while they were traveling across the country. Luckily by time they came I was all but non contagious and didn't pass it on......I still had the beard though to be safe that I wouldn't still have the pox on my face and cause a famous known if you will "Scareface" look on my mug.So why in the world am I sharing this with you all is because since the beginning of the ninth month of last year with images like these    
and I had a great reason of why I was growing the whiskers of a lifetime I will get to that in a moment but at my Men Breakfast at the Cathedral of Joy liked my Willie Bully look so much that the kept asking me "Are You growing that for Winter?" I would always tell them it's for something to go with my Halloween look                    
. Of my own take on Toy Story character "Buzz Lightyear", they all asked or were telling me my look was great as a Shepard of in the old testament and new testament parts of the bible for weeks up until the week of Halloween they had convinced me with enough talk if I wanted to be a part of the church's annual Christmas performance known as "The Living Nativity" So I told work after cleaning it up right after Halloween that my church was wanting me to keep the "Wild Gruffly look, for a while longer after ol trick or treat night had passed" and they were okay with it as long as I groomed it nicely afterward so on the twenty third of December besides getting all last minute Christmas shopping completed I went got my Shepard  Wild mountain frontier look to by like 

this. So  I wanna ask you all a question should keep my beard and trim it up every couple of weeks till the real Irish Day or not? I feel like I can/could of course I'm just asking should my given promise of a baby skin face be my new look for the new year of twenty thirteen. Oh and did I forget something on the change day yesterday look around,if you need a hint?        

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