March 31, 2013

More than just about chocolate Bunnies or candy eggs...

Just what is it about about Jesus being on the cross mean to YOU.....Well by reading below YOU'LL learn what I think of it in a small way if you wish?

Hello All,
 Well here it is the day of  Easter,  it seems to have come early this year hasn't it though?, now I know I mostly try not to preach about religious stuff to much here in my writing on this blog, but today for reasons that I know we must ALL know the meaning Easter of is so that I like YOU won't FORGET. Today is not about hiding Colorful eggs for little ones to find in places like trees or behind a fence post although that is a lot of fun. Tell me this if anyone can before we get to the lamb of why I'm making this be about family time outside of a holiday called Christmas, WHY DO WE FORE GO  the remembrance of Jesus reemergence after just three days? Do you even know that when Jesus was talking about "The Temple" he was telling everyone that HE knew HE was gonna be the ONE that takes on the suffering of everyone's 

sin. HE said "I WILL REBUILD THE TEMPLE" and of course those who JESUS was talking to were HIS OWN followers named John, Luke, Mark,Matthew, and Peter, yet even though like many us today when WE WANT TO MOST JUST TURN and like them walk IN OUR OWN DIRECTION  in how each and everyone of us turns to helping those who NEED HELP. Now by no means am I saying WE ARE ALL NEED TO KNOW ABOUT RELIGION in the same way, yet like all the others who came on that Sunday all those many years ago WE NEED TO HAVE FAITH in someone    

, besides our view of "Hey IT'S ABOUT ME, AND ONLY ME!" is purely a very disgusting way of every human being admitting that WE ALL ARE VERY small" when WE use our knowledge for saying MY HEART is what I strive to and live by, it's okay to listen to YOUR HEART but you must remember one very important thing just as your body needs fueling with food, so at the very same time does ONE'S Soul need nourishment. You may never go to church most times maybe, I don't know, and I know I don't know how you see belief values everyday either, but if your going to a church with a friend you know well and they have a heart for Jesus and what HE did by conquering death for those "For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that Whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 

I would love to put a part of the Resurrection here, but I'm not sure which is the best for today's purpose because without a doubt all sections of the bible that speak of it are very meaningful in their own way. Still let no one who reads this not forget that very verse above and know that Jesus the son of GOD awaits to greet us at heaven's  gate     
,  when it is OUR turn to come home. However you celebrate Easter, I hope you enjoy yourselves, no matter what! Oh and I had a late afternoon meal with my brother and sister in law at her parents place and when we got done with the meal my brother Micheal 
and I lead to way to walking to and back from Howard Amon park to a varied set of tasty treats known as desserts once we returned.            

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