August 18, 2015

Talk about a CRASH CORUSE if YOU WILL.....

Hello All, 
  I can't believe that I have been putting off getting into the canceled television series HEROES for this long after hearing about it coming back this upcoming September as a re- energized mini series. The new miniseries is called "HEROES REBORN" and it's premiere release airing date is on September twenty fourth, which is on a Thursday night at 8/7pm Pacific time zones. Yet even though I have had the whole series of Heroes series of all four seasons I have yet to really understand them at all till a few minutes ago I just got finished with the HEROES original pilot episode so let's dwell in on them and see if the wait for HR will be worth it's golden green light shall we?      

         Now anyone who visits here knows that you will find out mostly science fiction novels/comics and a hit or miss good messages of the day that brings out the hope of understanding life in at least a fair and wise way of looking at a man who is a decent human being most of the time. For now what I am hoping to share will bring out a good series of fictional characters that will be leading a hopefully new playing field of this series that aired originally on Mondays when it began in 2006. With the first set of the series being known as  Genesis as it's starting title as well.
     "GENESIS"- Starts out with these very words "Where does it comes from?, This quest, this need to solve life's  mysteries, when the simplest of questions can never be answered? Why are we here?, What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. That's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are. In the back of a young man's thoughts as we see a man about to fall from the top of a building in a New York city's back alley way. We find out that the man who was just talking is Mohinder and that he is trying to finish what his father started of finding out about special abilities that someone killed him over. We learn that the young man on the building top in that alley in New York is a nurse who helps the elderly, an is named Peter, There is a high school Cheerleader known as Claire. There are other characters as well as far away as Japan too, but Claire is the first to try and find out why she is so different. See she finds out that she can not be hurt at all. She proves this at first of having a male friend video taping her falling off con deemed building in Odessa, Texas. There is a young mom name Niki who owes money to the mob and pays them off by being a cam girl who takes off her clothes to pay them back. It turns outs wherever there's a mirror she sees her dark side appear and at one point when the mob bosses men come to collect she turns the tables around on them for good. There is a druggie who paints pictures of things that are yet to come to be? The paintings are provided by comic artist Tim Sale like 

this seen here. The series creator is Tim Kring wrote a very beautiful story of show casing his characters especially the comedic parts like when Mohinder is explaining to his class about special talents as he calls them at the beginning he says to them "For all we know God is a Cockroach" Yet how he write Claire's outlook on life is pretty sweet.  Here is a typical teenager conversation I think and it flows well remember , she had a friend with her when she fell off that building her friend just asked her why she wanted him to video her and this is what comes of that.... "I have my reasons" her pal :"it's not  like you're going be popular anymore? Clair: Popular?, Who siad anything about being popular? My life as I know it is over, okay? I got the Bishop game next week, SAT'S in October, Homecoming's three weeks from today, and I'm a freak show! Her pal: "You're being a little over dramatic don't you think? Claire: No I thin! I have busted, like every bone in my body,stabbed myself in the chest , I've shoved a steel rod through my neck, and I don't have a scratch on me! Her pal: "What do you call that thing sticking out? Claire: "Oh Great!" She pulls out a piece of wood from her fall from earlier as she does her rib cage which looks sacred is healed within moments her pulling it out of there. Mister Kring is like a lot of nerds a Star Trek fan and he has his character in Japan get hauled from his work station and his friend yells "Use your 'Death grip Spock ! The 'Death grip!"  There are some other cool parts throughout this pilot but in case your wanting to watch it of this "HEROES REBORN miniseries  I can only you have to be versed in the original stuff first and foremost. I give the Genesis pilot a rating  8.2 for the most part and that's just because we haven't seen Zachary Qinto's as Sylar yet but it will be wroth the wait I'm very sure of that?                         

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