February 27, 2015

Live long and prosper Leonard Nimoy

Hello Spock fans,
    I don't really know how many of you of my readers of this very blog know this or not but earlier today the world lost one of it's most beloved all time stars. This morning before heading off to work at Albertson's I just so happen to be checking a family Facebook message board that my sister Merri created to honor both her brother Lyle and one his most favorite sci-fi series known as Star Trek as if you had to to guess. I saw that a friend of Lyle's had wrote "Good-Bye Leonard Nimoy" and aftfter a second of seeing both Merri's and my sister in law Kathie Byrd's replies of "What?" I typed his name into my tablet and found out on Wikipedia that sadly it is true. The world of science fiction lost one of it's greatest characters in the series called Star Trek. The one thing I have to say is before I continue was at least from the sixteenth of this month I saw a whole lot of other parts Leonard Nimoy had played on Television from Perry Mason to Cumlbo. Heck I will admit I didn't even know he was sick at all. Lennard also got to be part of bringing Star Trek itself from near death, after his character Spock was killed at the end of the second Star Trek feature (which I will watch later this weekend I'm sure of that) The Wrath of Khan, was The return of his character in Star Trek III The Search for Spock, yet the best was next to come. The Voyage Home. He voiced the animated version of himself in Star Trek the animated series. He was also part of the Transformers for three movies....three your saying right?, I only know the ones by director Micheal Bay that he was in and that's two your sure of and you'd be right but at the same time he was in the original Transformers movie seen as the new form of the Decepitcon leader Megatron   
"who was sent on his way to an oblivion when the character refused to accept the terms of the world devouring Unicon, and was made into Galvatron. Who was voiced by Leonard Nimoy. He was in one episode of Rod Serling Twilight Zone, where he played an army guy named Hansen. The episode was titled "A Quality of Mercy".
One very interesting thing to note this was TZ's eightieth episode and the series of Star Trek the original series was canceled by one episode short of this yet at the time of what seasons they were apart of is the third. Nimoy was born on March 26th,1931 in the West End of Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Yiddish speaking Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Iziaslav, Soviet Union (now Ukraine). His mother was Dora Spinner and his father was Max Nimoy. They left Iziaslav separately and were reunited in the United States. (possibly in 1924 for a year later in November they were married and both of his parents died in nineteen eighty seven. Leonard also happens to have a older brother by five years of age named Melvin ( as to if he has passed away I don't know?) Leonard started acting at the age of 8. He is survived by his his second wife Susan Bay whom is a cousin of film director Micheal Bay, which he married on January first nineteen eighty night, and has a son Adam and his children Madeleine Nimoy, and son Jonah Nimoy. He also has a daughter named Julie Nimoy Schwatz and she her husband Gregory have three children. They are Alex, Dani, Spencer. So I guess in a way Spock did have kids we just never knew about them for it seems his Vulcan standpoint but truthfully here is a photo of Leonard with his kids 
and like any parent showing off a little bit of "Daddy's related work as best he can?" 
    The world of Star Trek fans are mighty sad to hear that their hero Mister Spock left the universe by way of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I guess in truth no matter how much we loved Leonard and his well renowned character of Spock, he had human failings that we could all have if we are smokers. I'm just glad he lived long enough to give us a character that was very human in life no matter how alien he was on screen.

Goodbye Leonard and much like your character's greatest phrase we know you Lived and   Prospered.... your whole life to educating the world with your second best phrase "I have been, and Always shall be your friend"         


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