September 22, 2010

So how many of those little blue guys can you name?

Hey What's Blue that I've talked about here before?, I know you all know that I've started including those antioxidant fruits in my daily diet known as Blue Berries and that blue is also my favorite color in the whole wide world (well for the truth any color of blue is fine with me if I have not said it before...) Of course I'm not talking about my mood either or my all time favorite comic book character known as you know who has blue in his suit ( hey wait a freaking minute that's not Spidey through right?) no that's Captain America and yes there are a lot of other blue colored/or in their costume type of superheroes hey, did you know that at one time Ol'Green skinned Hulk was blue as well, that's a whole story wroth a posting in and of itself but not today ok? This also isn't about cartoon characters that are blue, well I will take that back it is about "Blue little guys"just not as blue as Huckleberry hound the dog from Hanna Barbara cartoons but these guys were made by that company into a Saturday morning cartoon series a long time ago. These little guys are not filled with evil in them either like HE-MAN's nemesis bonehead Skeletor nor are they like the blue skinned alien invaders from the anime series known as Star Blazers the Gamilons.
So let us ask them to help us in our quest to find out each little blue smurfs names by having them help us with some books
with each one's history too, Well maybe that would be required by Brainy if no other smurf interfered expect maybe Papa I have given you two names can you come up with a few more?

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