August 10, 2008

What a way to find God again!

The Byrdman here yet again, to share my story of how I've found God in even more ways than just humbling myself alone. (A Keynote here look at the color I'm typing with, in most if not all BIBLES isn't the color of Jesus words are in RED, pretty cleaver huh?) Well anyway I wanted to say I love MY Father who without knowing that his son died for our sins would be harsh to let be known as just forsaking us all alone is just as hard for everyone to understand in a lot more simple words this is what we as humans understand as LOVE. OR at least it should be?
Ok now back to Matt's own story as I was growing up as a kid I had help in understanding religion from my Mother's father: Ben Powers & my Dad's mother: Neil Byrd I always remembered how much they did their best to show me a Christian upbringing as they both could like everyone I fell away for a time. But a lot has brought me back to knowing I (Raymond Matthew Byrd) need Jesus in my own life again.
I'd found a Bible study group shorty after 9/11 that was very meaningful & helpful to help me reconnect to Jesus. I attended this for a period of time from 2001-2004 or roughly that (Maybe I will go back to that sometime very soon too), But this past Friday a customer named Paul invited me to Cathedral of Joy for Men's Breakfast I of course accepted, & boy am I ever glad I did, I sure am.

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