January 24, 2022

What is in the box?

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                        So earlier tonight when I had gotten home from work I had found this outside of my front door 

and before we even get into what the very title of this very entry is about if you look off to the darkened corner where you can see a paperback book I will be having very soon an post about it. Which it happens to be a Transformers novel which I happened to have gotten when I was on my last vacation this past May with my folks to both the oylimpic peninsula of my own state of Washington and then we went down the Oregon coast, which I will be getting around to posting about too. If you have read anything from this blog before you may know a good lot about my many likes and loves in my everyday evolving life and if not well that's very okay because in one sense you're definitely got a bit of two pieces of whatever it is that is in the insides of the box? It's of course an oversized.                                                                                                                                                      Yet as I was just saying if you have known me by what I post you already know that one thing that I enjoy in the way of love besides hoping to have respected hopefulness for all of humanity even though that does prove to always be a learning curve all of the time of any one person's existence. I love comics in many ways and it's not just because of the continuational growth of all the stories told within each an every single one but also sometimes the incredible illusions to helping telling the stories are equally interesting when you get right down to what exactly experiences wise you have as a reader of what are known as funny books. One big thing about comics of any kind is besides them dealing with entertaining those who read them because the majority of the content will always be able to completely bring one back to your childhood as well.            Speaking of my childhood I will say this I recently refound this set of photographs of my younger brother Michael and I and this one of me Matt with a Tonka 
construction vehicle in my hand flipped on it's side.  I know that when I was this young I remember having things like Light Bright, ( this was a projector of white lights that you placed a black piece of paper that had white dots that outline an image of a scene or characters and you used little colored pegs of different colors to make said design glow. ) I remember having not only Hotwheels  brand of cars from Mattel toys and the one that I was always trying to find and eventually did was a squad 51 car from the Emergency! television series, I also had some Dukes of Hazzard cars from the ERTL toy company in nineteen eighty one, I remember in the way of my actual first action figures were Lone Ranger and his horse Silver and his companion and lndiain friend Tonto and his riding stead called Scout for Christmas time in nineteen eighty one. The name that toy company that made those was Gabrielle Legend. That just happens to be some of the toys that yours truly remembers of owning before the one all mighty toy line hooked me forever to years of loving collecting no matter what it was? That very line was known as Masters of the universe. It was nineteen eighty two when I saw the figures first at Pay N Save on George Washington Way! I have been promising background on this for over a year or close to it.
   Inside this box is a huge trade of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE comic trade from Decetevice Comics from the years of 2012 through to 2016. An yes I do happen to already have the stories in individual issues and some trades with the exception of the individual issue seen here 
which was originally published in the month of April in nineteen eighty two with a July cover date, as to if this was released with the original first wave of Masters of the universe action figures which consisted of   

 these seen here. HE-MAN, MAN-AT-ARMS, STRATOS, TEELA, are all the heroes in the first wave,  where as each hero needs a given adversities here they are. SKELETOR,  BEAST MAN, MERMAN, ZODAC. Which also includes Battle Ram (mobile launcher), Wind Raider (assault launcher), Battle Cat (Fighting tiger), Castle Grayskull Fortess of mystery and power were sold spereately. I really don't know if I know that given answer the only thing that I knew was that each figure came with a mini comicbook. I am going to have it be both hard and easy of making my detailed history of the history of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE so that's upcoming in the future...                                                     Just so you know what is inside the box that I have been talking about in this very post here is what the box had in it's contents. 
   I also happen to have a couple more actual omnibuses as well and like this very one I have there content in individual issue formats too and do you really think that you need to ask me what character they are about? Probably not at all is the best answer for certain!                                                                                     


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