January 01, 2022

New day and New Year what will it mean for the digits 2022?

 Hello readers everywhere,                                                                                                       Here it is the first day of the year and you are probably wondering what is it will be getting explored here on this very site?, and did I make a new years promise or resolutions of any kind? To be honest I think that with this upcoming year there will as always be many more unknowable things that are going to be happening in both great and interesting outcomes? The very thing that makes every day worth living even if at times if you are feeling lost or uncertain about how your experiences of living and trying to figure out how you can handle existing better is by finding through your own strengths of learning and contributing to staying positive. What I did last night even though I didn't get to officially do it with my brother Michael and his family we went and had some Chinese food for dinner and watched a movie on Netflix called "DON'T LOOK UP!"                                                                   It is a a film about of course the end of life on planet earth, which is kinda ironic... since when I was last working on a topic here and it was the starting of the last month of last year I was trying to do my best to sharing about why we as a species are at lengths trying to gather any kind of strength by simply trying way to hard to benefit no one or at most that was what I was trying to figure out.  Anyway that very film we were watching on Netflix last night was a parody of shorts. Of a lot of the characters were revealing a lot of ourselves in different aspects when we are encounter the unique emotional uncertainty of our lives because of how everyone just reacts to something.  It stars Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo Dicaprio and  Meryl Streep among others. It regardless of whatever you DO Love about a piece of celluloid work does the one thing that we all need right now, makes us all think about something outside of ourselves.                                                      I really do wholeheartedly know that deep down inside of us all we need to always find ways to keep expanding our balances of wanting to explore and learn each and every day.  For however that you know how you're existence starts, we all should be responsible enough to understand that WE ALL NEED TO BE LEARNING every second of each day we are blessed with having!  So you are now asking me what have I got planned for the upcoming year of twenty, twenty two as I stated in the beginning of this post? I will definitely try to focus on getting something out each day as best that I am able to,  rather if it will be a comic book being reviewed or even better and I will admit that I have said it many a times before but I will get around to really laboring on drawing again because more than anything in my soul besides giving us all new content to check out here I know that I NEED to be engaged in being absolutely creative again! Also you can be on the look out for upcoming updates from my online game play of Star Trek Timelines as well regular novels being reviewed of both old and new stuff in that said category.  Overall though I really do hope that this coming new year of 2022 will bring you and myself great times and great memories of our hopes being better than whatever the world is throwing down to knock us off our feet in the way of fears.  Again I have to say that I want to welcome and wish you all a wonderful great entrance into your newest year and day.     And since I haven't got a debriefing of my blog on the plate or my tablet backgrounds or anything from my phone of late  I will leave you with this Happy New Year from the 

 star force crew!

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