January 19, 2021

Massive Goodness in a lot of ways!!!

Hello everybody this fine Tuesday evening,                                                                                           Let me ask you all something?, have any of you ever had just a simple day become an thrill ride in seconds.... well I can certainly admit that I have a beaming slime under my mask of a few, that I have been wearing since the pandemic became presence on my birthday of last year. When was the last time of recent times in your life have you felt that you are a WINNER of being not just a good person inside of you is coming from the soul to help other people everywhere ( hey there is that expanding acronym with out  me even thinking about it or putting periods/dots after each letter again) but a person that's having surprises because you have been of the understanding that good things happen when you are patient and hard working in your environment that your apart of.  Most of us more often than anything else would come to call this luck or good fortune a stream of unexpected ducks in a row if you want to be more accurate at least that is what I can best describe it as in interesting depth of greater detail for you.                                                              Here's how  it happened for me so I was on my break at Albertsons in the breakroom eating my snack of a cup of strawberries and blueberries and some blackberries a fruit cup and a THINK brand protein bar and a bottle of the store's flavored sugar free water I was playing my mobile online game of Star Trek Timelines in the part called Q's Gauntlet where you can possibly win prizes of characters that are very,very,very rare to get throughout the game unless you are willing to put real money in at times or if you're really wanting to save yourself from putting actual money you should just do what I do which is play every day or at least till you collect all of your daily missions requirements essentially make sure that you really love the game or it's fandom of what it represents...so sorry about getting sidetracked there for a moment but in the Q Gauntlet part of the game you have the chance of winning as I said is very rare characters and the major key one of that part of the game is the Star Trek Discovery character called the Red Angel from the end of season 2 of that series. Here's what her general card looks like in the game 

this is before immortalizing her, an when I was playing a battle in the said Q Gauntlet I was rewarded with a picture of her and I have her right now at three stars out of five, so now I have her at four stars when I decide to fuse it to the card and her stats besides this are at 50 percent for the card as a whole. When I got home the Q Gauntlet was over for the day I went to collect whatever my prizes out of three that were there and to my surprise prize three was a star of the Red Angel character so I can now pretty much just immortalize her with a little work of building her suit, and three other gear pieces on her card, here's her stars being fused to                  

her card. I'm thinking of finishing her card this upcoming Friday. Now that may be all that there is to the surprise points of grand stuff you are thinking right?                                   No not at all because I went out to my mail box tonight and I found these three things 

 in the extra storage box the two on the outside are comics that I had brought last summer by backing the creator of said comics and the one in the middle is something that I ordered from Amazon. Com of something that I haven't seen in nearly thirty seven years ago. My question to you all is should I  film myself opening these packages and post it here on my website? For if I do the one thing that I know to make sure that it will work for each I will have to film each under thrity seconds to fit airing here on my blog. So I will wait a few weeks and see what you are all wanting in that regard? I hope that your next set of surprises are worth sharing if you're wanting to! Have yourself a great night.

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