January 14, 2021

 Hello everyone,                                                                                                                                                When ever I look at something like the image above here,  it without any doubt goes an gives me a great pause, because it's not just the whole planet we are living on looking at me with deep impact of who are you Raymond Matthew Byrd that is what is being asked? No matter what you are thinking about this particular post will most definitely help you understand why at the end of each day of when we as a species goes to rest our wearily eyes we all should be thankful for what we have gone through and also be ready for the next moment for when we awaken to the next day we are getting a chance to explore the possibilities of the unexpected new day with humbling hope. Now I can't say that in some way or other that I am trying to preach about a deity in anyway because I am hoping beyond anything helping other people everywhere to understand that we as a species are really super small yet at the same time very powerful with our own way of speaking and by our actions towards each other affects not only ourselves but this very beautiful planet we call earth. One other thing that will appear throughout this post is a lot of words that can be used as anagrams off there initial meanings, I am at most trying to get the meaning of how we also come to the conclusion of why we think of earth as our mother when we put so much time into our thoughts about the world as a whole.                           I was just talking about anagrams of words from words a moment or a few sentences ago right and for time being I am still thinking about the word mother, I do however have the meaning for each letters of the word E.A.R.T.H. that no one can deny is a complete understanding definition of our planet and here it is Erenstly. Analyzing. Roughly/Researching. Throughout. History. I know that we all know that our dear planet earth is older than anything living currently especially all of us as a species! The one thing that I will say about this image is that it illustrates that nothing can hold our thoughts and ideas to a specific ideal of what we are capable of doing with our experiences of wanting to explore our many different parts of each land mass that we know of, or being brave enough to build our bodies strong enough to explore the possibilities of what's lying underneath the water too. There  is so much more to our beloved blue and green planet (or whatever color you choose to call the land masses I guess?) because of how we treat her environment at our level is why from space the planet has so much grays on the land masses is all that I am saying about that...                          As many of us know there are no matter how you're wanting to explain how the planet began more than just one single answer to that very question and should we believe in only one answer? In my honest and sincere understanding of what I am trying to get across here the answers to it are endless for sure because when we watch the NOVA segments on public boarding casting it may not be completely clear as they are mostly now as of least the late nineteen nineties have been participating on helping us with the understanding of not just finding skeletal remains of mummies or giant lizards that we have gone on to call them dinosaurs, they have been very busy with helping us understand what life on other planets may be like. When we also know that both the former county known as Russia to some, but not all, mind you was the first one in the late nineteen fifties sent up satellites to get the first pictures from space of our beloved planet. While President John F. Kennedy had promised to send a man to the moon in nineteen sixty one  during his meeting with the joint session of congress on May 25 before the decade was finished. He pushed for them to help with the funding of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration from helping through federal government funding. An let's have a grand amount of appreciation for the many writers who had/and still use their minds to share about not only fictional versions of lives on made up planets such as Vulcan from Star Trek to Tattooine of Star Wars frame just to name only the biggest branches of science fiction series here in America outside of comics where as you know that is just as excitingly endless too... My main point of how life begins on earth can be understood by all means every single one of us as a species.  I know that I said that I wouldn't put the resources of knowing your Bible or God into this topic but of course I want to mention that those who follow life's rules by knowing God's work of making the world in six days and then rested is granted too.                                                                                   Do you think about questions  like I have shared here of how the earth is so young or so old yet as I have said through all of it that our planet is very beautiful is it not? I have also provided you with the largest size of the image so that you can get your own thoughts shared.  Have yourself a great day  my many readers and friends! 

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