July 07, 2015

Have I gone mad over a WHO novel.....

Hello All,
 Have I ever mentioned that there is a world of Sci-Fi out there beyond Star Wars and the many others. Especially an American series known as Star Trek that is posted about here quite a tiny bit or more at times? The very reason I do bring this up is that it has been at least close to three weeks time that I have opened up a bounded thing with what is known as very thin parts of wood with ink on them, and to top it off those pieces thin wood with the ink on them have a painted picture of something in the way of excitement on it. That is right my dear reader I haven't picked up a thing called a novel since the start of summer? I know your all wondering if I have lost my dear little mind and the answer to that is in a small way is "YES I HAVE, AND I KNOW NOT WHO I AM? " YOU who know my heart and see me every day would say that or at least question me "Matt are you insane? Okay maybe not that far but you'd be asking me am I feeling alright in someway or other? To be perfectly honest yeah I'm find as I ever am, but the reason I haven't been able to read is because for a while I haven't been able to find time to write the first two parts of   "Countdown to a wedding not sure if it is mine" of the falling out of place funny lines  of Katherine "Kitty" Katt and her alien pals from the plant known as Alpha Cenutri in the novel

 ,seen here. Better known as "ALIEN TANGO". So I have finally decided since I can't find the time at the moment to get to the next book in the series.......no I thought I could  but I just can't keep it a secret any longer   



......No I just can't let you in on my little thing called sadly Lull time. Yet if I don't let you all know what's up you'll know I'm wacky as  a cracker for dead sure! So I will tell you what I was thinking of doing earlier today while at work to help me out of my down time, trying a new kind of science fiction novel of something I may have only talked about at certain times through this very blog? The reason for the question mark here is "Have I ever brought up stories of the British Sci Fi character known as Doctor Who, for if I haven't I just wanted you to know that a few months back I wanna say it was April I went to Barnes & Nobles and  got this little Who novel to hold me over for when such times like this shall arise.......oh wait I have been trying keep it a a hidden type of title or so it seems right? well those are all photos I took with my tablet that I have had since I went to go see my step sister Merri Mickleson and her family with a trek over to mount Rushmore a year or so ago for my vacation time a thing known as last year. Here is the book in full sitting next to the next one 

after I let this eerie slump of a Lull past me by.of the Alien Tango Threshold. Here's to wishing me luck on on this new venture. I also posted a video to Facebook if you want to know just how scarred I am at least in a TARDIS way of jumping into WHO timeline link of fun?   

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