July 04, 2015

For myself this is the Grove I should be in all of the time.....

Hello All,
    Well I must admit I didn't end up doing much today, well I can't really say that altogether, for I did do my usual with the Men Breakfast at my church in the wee hours of the morning. Also I had help set up the church's  Fourth of July outdoor session, which consists of tents and bringing out rented chairs for the service along with setting up the basic stage. Then I came home and worked with some still unpublished posts here on the site, and even though I should be getting  caught up on  some sleep at least a little in a way. I also was deciding on what I wanted to read next in my way of novels too still unsure of what for now anyway? It was earlier this past week that  I had learned that my brother Michael and his family were going on a road trip to see my sister Kylie and her son Bryce for the Fourth.  See most every time this time of year comes around, my brother and I go and get a bunch of fireworks and let them go off when it is dark outside, like when we were kids and the neighborhood fathers went and put on a grand show to see who could out do the others. Believe you me that was fun  for sure!  
     So after it was truly pitch black outside I had finally decided to do something that I haven't done in a great many years yet I know I should be doing it really every day  to some effect? What is it your asking me right while scratching your head while reading this?  It was my third year of this very blog in fact that over the course of that very summer that I was put on a low sodium diet, which I do know that I should be getting back onto but at times it's hard to put into motion when I can't find the strength for my very "Will Power to keep e driven like at that time back over the summer of twenty ten." Still one thing that my doctor really did want me Raymond Matthew Byrd doing and I took it so to heart way back in those days was a nice long two and half mile uphill climb from the likes of Gage seen here 

 to way beyond even my church that I do attend from time to time, maybe that might that might bee a helping factor that I DO NEED AS WELL, back then it was known as Cathedral of Joy now it is called Hillspring church. 

Well I went and started walking with my tablet up to the area in the photo just above the Hillspring church sign at about nine thirty.Here are some of the many nightly lit fireworks that I did try to get from both of the Kennewick and Pasco 

firework shows. Still what I really got for all of my hard working efforts truly was more than I want to admit of cars taillights which didn't thrill the kid in me to no end. In fact here is a photo of one coming and distracting me very well. 

Yet to take away my sadness of not getting good shots picture wise because of the  on coming traffic I decided to end my Fourth of July with a reward that no distraction could grab from little ol me I went to Albertsons  where I work and got this pic 

that has been on display outside of the store since the twenty first of last month. Then I went inside and ended up getting a couple of gallons of Dreyer ' s slow chrunned ice cream that were on sale for  $2.99 each. I hope you all have a grand Birthday for our beloved country in your best way of celebration of your FREEDOM!

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