September 15, 2008

Why do I love Spider-man over any other comicbook character (pt.2: Spidey's Motto: "With Great power must also come Great responbitily", of 5)

How is it that we can recall something so easy of a good movie we love, a great book because of how it made us feel while reading it or a phrase that we all know so simply. Like for example: "Space the finial Frontier", Mr. McGee, Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me if I get angry, or how about a favorite scene in a book that your reading. I remember reading a two part story back in the late nineties called Probe & Counter Probe here were a few scenes I recall from both story & won't ever forget. In Probe Just after she's found & taken to a hospital by two cops she protects herself from them when they come to ask her questions by psychic throwing them both out of her room through the window. Later when she and an doctor are on the run he asks her can she change her appearance she show him she can by growing a beard in a matter of moments of his asking. In Counter probe when another probe is again examined she makes the said Doctor pay with someway that's NOT printable I'll let you the reader decide, what that can be unless you want read the books.
Well when Stan Lee wrote the Amazing Spider man's Origin he put a very powerful sense of truth in the message of a high school book worm that got powers of a spider after being bitten by a radioactive arachnid then let a crook get away when he had a chance to stop him. Later this same crook shoots his beloved uncle Ben dead, he checks to make sure his aunt okay at their neighbor's house, her name is Anna Watson & yes her niece Mary Jane is with her and sees an enraged young boy go after his uncle's murder. Peter chases him to an abandoned warehouse catches the crook only to realize that he could have prevented his
uncle's death if he would have taken action any kind of action just a few days earlier. So Peter Parker learned that "With Great power, comes Great Responsibility", so the character of Spidey is driven by his own guilt to do what is right even if he can't.
When Stan Lee wrote Spidey's origin I wonder if he did or didn't probably know how profoundly his new character was going to change comic book readers view of respect not only for themselves but for others as well. When Spider man was created back in 1962 Stan put his story in a magazine that Marvel comics was going to ax anyway named Amazing Fantasy # 15, he wanted to quit the comic book writing biz. He and a relative were at odds about releasing a character with the name of Spider man the
n nine moths later back then it took time to get responses on a comic book's sales back to the company. That same relative that was at odds with Stan had completely changed his tune, & told Stan to write Spidey as a monthly book, so behold then a legend was born. Peter Parker is everyone in a way, can we always pay the bills on time?, can we be where we are needed most in times of helping others? Who doesn't have an ailing relative that they want to help no matter what the cost, because they love that person?, Peter knows he will always have a chance to help others that need his help but rather than always knowing if he's respected or despised he'll never truly know. The best way for him to do this is putting on his ol' Red & Blue costume & have fun while knowing he'll never forget "With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility" for he knows what happens very personally if he does... a quick question to you the reader do you sometimes feel like a Peter Parker because I know from time to time I Matt know I do?.......To be continued in Why do I love Spiderman over any other comicbook character (pt.3: Spidey's wedding to Mary Jane) of 5

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