December 01, 2016

And now the long awaited plate change....

Hello everyone,
      Well as you all know it is finally come upon us all yet again the very last month of the whole ever encompassing span of time known as the year of twenty sixteen, or for those of us who see the year as two thousand only it's two thousand sixteen, in the end of it all it is based on how YOU see time as it relates to YOU that MATTERS MOST OF ALL! I do not know if anyone else reading this has ever had a huge amount of super special days in the year counting the upcoming gift giving day known as Christmas in the way of remembering very important people in your life. Like friends, celebrities, or better than all of that family members that have a little bit of a leaping a whole year older. Yes that is right how many of us know close to exhaustive ways that we wish to put aside those who have Birthdays in the month of December.....and still since they are so very special are words of any kind able to stand up to a tiny gift like a card that we could put into the ol snail way of traveling the mailbox. I think what we write helps us all feel more connected even if those words barely scratch what it is we wish to contribute to the other that is receiving the interpretations whole hearted meaning. So IT IS THAT I AM GETTING AT IS NEVER FEAR YOUR ALWAYS IN MY THOUGHTS, EVEN IF I SAY NOTHING AT ALL! Ok I also have to admit that at least in some way or form I like you go and know it to be hard of finding that right gift for that day we spend with our families and true friends but let me ask you now how do you get going of being in the gentle yet generous area of  not think of just YOURSELF OR THE ME factor for this time of year?
          For myself, even if I can't find the right way to feel from day to day all of the time being ever changing as it is I always stay on the positive side of things when others ask me "How is YOUR DAY? or HOW IS IT GOING TODAY?" I reply with " I'M ALWAYS HAVING A GRAND OR HOPEFULLY GOOD DAY AND I'M HOPEFULL THAT THE DAY IS BEING KIND AND WELL FOR YOU TOO." is what I respond with as to weather it is the right answer to the question that they wish to know of, Whomever is asking it knows that I'm always trying to be set for whatever is coming with a inspiring look at life. I love to get into the holiday spirit by this I mean getting ready for CHRISTMAS $HOPPING by watching CHRISTMAspecials that are airing on television or one of my many Christmas movies on DVD that I have. Also I listen to or try to listen to classic  CHRISTMAS MUSIC but of all of these things I have listed here I have yet to do for the next twenty four eves till CHRISTMAS MORN, Yet I am trying to do so when I can. 
              So for a very long while it has actually been since this past May even though I have had plans for so long as July itself to go and do the thing called the switcheroo with this image seen

here..In truth it wasn't because I didn't want to......The main reason was I wasn't thinking of the other portion of when I change from the beginning of the month with my Chess match up of for the time being in honor of it being Star Trek's fiftieth anniversary this very year I have had it been ever since January I have placed a Trek character to be judged upon (This didn't limit me to thinking of just the main crews of the Federation starships like the one

,seen here.  OOppss??? so very sorry about this folks but I seem to be unable to bring up anything Trek wise ship wise or whatever!! till apparently I get to see a upcoming movie release known as ROUGE ONE an star wars story....,) So I guess the only thing to show you all is my starred back at me during all of November desktop Your going say what is going on here because you just said YOUR NOT RELEASING ANY STAR TREK pictures TILL YOU HAVE SEEN ROUGE ONE???? And yet here

you are showing us Benjamin Lafayette Siko of the worst Trek series ever, I greatly hope to prove every Trek fan options on why Deep Space 9 is truly very awe striking awesome instead of just the Darkest form of Trek ever. Yet while everything was going on during this last presidential election I want us to remember we all NEED to RESPECT ONE ANOTHER NO MATTER WHAT OUR TRUE HERTIGAGE IS in the real world as just as much in an fictional one to! a way still keeping within Star Trek yet in a very different take whom of these two foes of 

 The Dominion

or the race that separated from the Vulcans known as The Romulans  

the Federation you run from?  the choice is yours choose ever so wisely my dear reader for next month's answer will surprise you for sure!        

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