July 21, 2016

The Wave build up to Star Trek Beyond for this Trekker is .....part 1

Hello to Trekkers everywhere....
  I know that everyone who is looking at this very blog entry is just wondering will that fella who writes about that series in the far off future by each stories being about the exploration of  humans learning about Beaming here, or is it there, or really just about everywhere.... yes that is so right I'm talking of Star Trek which is as I have said many times throughout the year is the franchise's greatest moment ever, it is celebrating fifty years of  being not only an American Icon but a worldwide too. I of course happen to have my personal favorites from both all of the five television series that started way back on September eight, the year was nineteen sixty six When captain James Kirk and his crew starting filling our hearts and minds with many thoughts of here on earth everyday happenings will be getting better one day if not every day. Then something happen after three years on the NBC network on June third, nineteen sixty-nine it aired it's final episode called  "TURNABOUT INTURDER" pictured here

Where a vengeful love from Kirk's past changes places with him. Then just a few shorts months into the year of nineteen seventy....What was killed was reborn through Syndication repeats and then because that series of replays it reignited Star Trek for ever for then came in nineteen seventy three a cartoon series by Filmation studios. Then the films started in nineteen seventy nine with the Motion picture, then in late nineteen eighty six not only was there a fourth movie, which was titled          

 "THE VOYAGE HOME...."  Star Trek was for the first time in live action brought back to the small screen with THE NEXT GENERATION as the new series itself broke beyond it's parent series by having not only a special episode in season four called "LEGCAY" it went on to prove through seven seasons and other Treks being spawned that Star Trek was both grand on the small screen ever more so, and with NEXT GEN four feature films of their own Stars  remained boldly going till late two thousand and five in the month of May. The series that Star Trek ended it's Television history of eighteen long years was called

"ENTERPRISE" for it's first two years of being produced, by it's Third and final fourth year the series had Star Trek above  the stand alone "ENTERPRISE" title sequence of the opening credits for when the show started. 
         Tonight to really get myself ready  for the alternate movie universe set of Star Trek films which star Chris Pine as James T. Kirk, and Zachery Quinto from the series known as "HEROS" as Mister Spock in the latest Trek film "STAR TREK BEYOND". Which has a Pre-Screening tonight at a lot of movie theaters across the whole United States and begins officially tomorrow I am watching the Deep Space Nine season four opening episode known as "THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR", Now this is summary here is just to hype myself up all the more for STB, I will have a whole lot more detail to this very episode when including it in my overall DS9 series of reviews, yet that will go for each of every episode I do write about here....
  The writers and production staff had wanted to pick up where they left off at the end of season three with (Rene Auberjonois)  character of Odo  having to deal with what his people the Founders were going to do with him since he broke their number one rule "No Changeling shall harm another" which he did when they set out to infiltrate the whole Gamma Quadrant at the end of season three's final episode titled "The Adversary". The show in season three was trying to built a darker organization to fight against Starfleet's Federation. So they put the two main races which we had seen in other DS9 episodes to this point and called that darker side "The Dominion" the were set turn the Star Trek Franchise on it's head completely..... The opening of W.O.W . has everyone looking for a surprisingly snuck aboard Changeling only to prove they can hide in plain slight and still take over at their given time...Then out of no where all of the Klingons arrive to help fight the Dominion or so the claim to?  Captain Sikso feels that since he can't get answers from asking the Klingons himself he sends word that he needs help from the only Klingon with in Starfleet Mister Worf from that series

known as NEXT GENERATION . With WORF's help the Federation saves the Cardassian local government from toppling from within on itself. This very episode of the third incarnation of Star Trek fourth year opener shows how crazy thing are in the real world as well. I mean when you have every species of even a well known fictional science fiction series showing us the viewer how split we all are on everything in life I think we know what the answer has to be in dealing with everyday type of topics, take the time to reason out matter for the better understanding that we all are different in a whole lot of ideas but for sure one thing is very certain no matter how we see topics in the whole wide world we all have one darn thing in common and as sure as I am writing in the color that it flows in of RED I bet you wouldn't guess that I'm talking about BLOOD huh? 
     So with watching that great episode of Star Trek's past I know that I can hope that this new one with the title "BEYOND" is a grand send off of more is hopefully better as Star Trek wraps all over the whole world during it's fifty years celebration!
       To Be Continued  very soon.....      


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