September 01, 2015

The BEST PARTS of a man known as Lyle (pt. 2 of ??)

Hello All,
 Look I know that I started a couple of days ago with a list of things of how I Matt Byrd want to remember my step brother Lyle Watson and as for the question marks in the title of these entries is because I know I may miss the truest part of my own meanings at times.  Lyle was super smart that I recall one time when just after we combined our two families we went up to a mountain resort where if you looked out around you all that you could see was the great green grass and highest tress and knew that you were free to doing whatever you could envision. Well one night we had happen to be playing trivia Pursuit, I can't remember if if was just he and I that were or if there were others as well I want to think now that I'm remembering that we had others playing the board game as well. I also recall that when the game got harder Lyle found a lot of the questions really easy, still two answers I remember getting right that stick with me till this day "Who wrote the 1818novel called Frankenstein?" was the question and what came out of my mouth was "Mary Shelley" and a big smile loomed on my face...The second question that I was asked was "Name the candy company that makes the Snickers candy bar?" Of course this one took me a few minutes to think of? how I reach the answer was at the time I loved the candy bar known as a MARS BAR and the more that I thought of it The Mars company was my final answer as they say on the game show known as Jeopardy! and I was right again. Other games that we played as a family weren't so fast thinking on the brain as I or Lyle loved but they were still mighty fun, one those games was something called "SPOONS" where after playing a card game where you had a set of tfour of a kind after you got that you would try and not be the last person to end up without a spoon because you didn't want to be left holding the cards at all for you got stuck with everyone else points on top of your own as well. They way game is played is like like musical chairs game of when your a kid with one less chair/spoon than there are players but all of the spoons are set on the table with the .part you eat with like this seen here 

expect that at our house we played the game on the dinner table when we played. Another game that Lyle was good at was any kind of board game from the earliest one known as Monopoly to Hotel where you tried to get every hotel in the game first by outsmarting your opponent. Lyle without a doubt loved games of all kinds for sure. Speaking of games let's see who won last month chess game between the Sith lord known as Darth Vader and Professor Xvaier of the X-men? I think that Lyle would have this as his answer to this  winner of the outcome Xvaier''s in the match because he don't need to have a glow stick weapon known as a light saber and Vader is trapped in his metal suit so of course it would be this guy 

as the winner! So here are this month's players Desslok of Galimon from Star Blazers
versus Papa Smurf of the 
Smurfs cartoon who would be the ultimate Blue Winner! Now on to other games while we are at it for sure I know that you have been looking at the plate here on the site and saying 

HUH?, well truth it is a Lyle favorite I'm sure with all things sci-fi related of modern images of science fiction spelling out Coexist. Then of course I had this as my desktop wallpaper image that Lyle would highly approve of 

The earth ship from Star Blazers known to Americans as the Argo but better known world wide as the world war II Japanese battleship the Yamato. For today on Facebook by the way I had this as my wall cover in honor of Lyle 

The Original crew on London's Abbey Road, then out of respect for whom I know of science fiction characters that would make the best candidate for leader of the free world that is most logical would be without a doubt 

Mister Spock for President was my profile photo.    


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