May 01, 2022

A whole month late... but still laughable?

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                        So like you with this being the start of the fifth month of twenty, twenty two, I too am wondering what most of this very entry will be absolutely about? Of course I am just joking about what the content will be because I know the very reasoning of what I have decideed to be talking about! Mostly because I know that I am really needing to I will be doing a lot of  doubling up on both past and future postings of my many comic reviews as I have stated as of a few days ago back near the end of last month in April. Yet there is also something that I really have realized since April fifteenth and no it's not just because that's when here in the United States taxes are due from everyone. What I noticed was that on the first of April was the best day to pulling a grand lark in the way of jestting for a thoughtful moment of remembering to laugh with your friends and especially family as well. Overall,  even though a joke's or a puns ending result is to expand output of laughter they also give each one of us a moment of potential power of using our noggins... so I went an had found this outside of one of my many  Star Trek being funny images search on my own half a century birthday this past March 24th .... 
I had happened to have found a certain famous cartoon rabbit who found himself being truly lost when he was trying to figure out where a certain Martian of Mars is that has definitely eluded him...and said famous cartoon rabbit has broken the strongest metal of the united fredreation of planets still fairly new starship known as ENTERPRISE U.S.S. N C C 1701. Which is to be launched in the upcoming year of twenty, twenty forty five according to star trek history, so why does Bugs have the plans from Montgomery Scott's engineering department if he isn't trying to stop the aforementioned Martian called Marvin?Or is it even possible would Bugs Bunny use the map that he is holding onto to catch the forthcoming toss of Plomeek Vulcan soup from Mister Spock that whilst suffering from his most recent ordeal with his case of the Vulcan Pon Farr,  as a napkin or a paper towel. That would be in the opening of the second season first episode of the original series which when the episode ends we as the viewing audience see when Spock leaves his home world of Vulcan we witness the ever and always iconic hand symbol 
and it's meaning of "Live Long And Prosper". The episode name is of course "Amok Time".                                                                                                                                                          Now before I leave you all wondering if that I had anything on my mobile phone,  or my tablet's opening screens when I was turning it on over this last month of April? Well here is that truly laughable part of this very post of well-bes on that given part? Here is what I was planning on for my phone 
when I was looking at it every day of the month jester fun on it's first day.  This may not be as encouraging funny as the rest of this posting  so far but I really have even more than just funny action pages worth writing about this is to remind me of more about my vacation time from in twenty,  twenty one. As to what I was planning on on my tablet when I was turning it on over the course of thoughtfulness thinking of silliness and since I have had be some how related to Masters of the universe for the foreseeable time being when I was want to power up my tablet I was hoping to seeing this for the month of 
 malicious craziness is justified hero worship of the said bad guy whom wants to be ruling the whole universe not just a castle right!, Then for when I was looking at my tablet's  main screen when getting onto the internet was going to be this! 
To benefit from a blanket of evil wishes or power being twisted at me or us is always laughable because it's how we are full of kindness that helps us grow from trying to figure out where trials take us whether full of laughter or not.  Oh I almost forgot to give away what my background plate here on the site would have been well I guess that this                                                                       

                                                                                       would have been funny right? All of the evil warriors of the Masters of the universe wanting to form a hip hop gangster band to getting better at their trademark of engagement with us can honestly be worth exploring our bad social tunes? Anyway I hope that everything did turn up being great for you on April Fool's day no matter what did happen I hope you had a great pun of the day! 

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