April 24, 2023


                                                                                                                  Hello comic loving fans worldwide,               
Here's the first comic from my most recent comic pickup of the first week of April in twenty, twenty three. When I saw this comic at Adventures Underground it just screamed true classic science fiction from a long forgotten era of everything from old time radio programs to finding a way of if you are a kid in the early nineteen forties through the nineteen fifties to getting your hands on banned novels or even banned movies this very comic is for you!  Before we get into the greatness of the mysterious world of PLAN 59 FROM OUTER SPACE number one, I have to remember and remind myself of a certain New York psychiatrist named Frederick Wertham that was admittingly claiming that the things within the four color magazines known as comic books are filled with very undeniably bad influences for young developmental brains. One such example he presented at conference that he had with the United States senate was that a child could completely be convinced that from the character of Superman that they can fly from high places. It was because of his argument of this and other type of influences that the C.C.A. was created. I  will eventually get to what the whole meaning of what the C.C.A. was, for I am just out of curiosity looking  to studying his arguments in his book titled Suduction of Innocent, which I am still trying to decide where I want to purchase it from.                                    Now on with my thoughts and review of PLAN 59 FROM OUTER SPACE  #1. This title is not from the Big Two companies that make comics, nor is it from Image,  Dark Horse or even others of smaller comic publishing companies either. A little less than a year and half ago there were a set of creative people who went and left the BIG TWO comic producers and they went on to create their own products... Wait a quick minute doesn't that sound kind of familiar? What it is that I am referring to is when seven comicbook artists left both Marvel and Decetevice Comics in the latter half of nineteen, ninety one to form their own company, where each of said artists is able to keeping their creations under their own creativity of copyrighted materials. The comic company they forged is IMAGE comics in the early months of nineteen, ninety two. The creators this time  around aren't illustratiors like back then over thirty years ago, but are writers their creative imprint is called SUBSTACK comics.  
       PLAN 59 FROM OUTER SPACE is from the SUBSTACK imprint and is crafted from the minds of Michael Dolce (story), James Mascia (story &script), Joaquin Gonzalez (artist), Daniele Caramanico (colorist), Taylor Esposito (lettering), C.B. Zane did the wonderful cover. The retail price is $ 4.99, as far as I know this series has only a newsstand print of the cover, as to if there's any direct comic store version I don't have any knowledge at all.   The story starts out with a woman named Paula who talking to her fiance about his work whilst listening local news about the local police officer has gone completely missing... Paula's fiance goes off to work. Before going to bed she hears of a unidentified flying object in another part of California. While sleeping she is attacked by mysterious beings...      Now she is attacked by everyone in the whole town? When apparently only a man who survived her assault ended up in one one town's many graveyards and is taken by huge unidentified flying object, say what?  
    All that we as readers know is, that whatever has just happened is it a dream that Paula's been having from R.E.M. sleeping or is there more to this as we find out that whoever is maintaining oprational control of yet an unseen UFO are trying to find her specifically!  
Throughout this comic that I read, I have to say that the story really did make me see of how evey kind of genres are able to be a creative perspective of never just one single thing, and you the reader are just done with a twenty two pages of words and illustrations that give us a yarn of many given thoughts on how grand a tale of possible power can be used... While I was witnessing both joy and excitement of maybe an opportunity for aliens to conquer the planet earth in a new way that hasn't been a way they have ever tried before, I was glad that I got to see some other plans that these aliens have been using before but have dropped their hand each time because... well let's just say because for now as a open answer! I loved how it in its own way also felt like there should have been a very offbeat Mystery Science Theater commentary track, within the comic itself... 


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