March 23, 2020


Hello comic collectors worldwide,                                Ok have I ever shared  who my favorite four color character is, of course  I know that I have more times than I can count..... yet even though I like you am a reader of many stories of horror, heroism, growth and always changing moments of tension  between good and evil, even my love of science fiction can be thrown in for connecting all them which what  I love about comic books. I even love popular cartoon characters like the Smurfs, Scooby Doo, Transformers in comic book form too. The world has impacted recently with a pandemic that has everyone being confined to being staying at home and having there be safe distancing between us for everyone's own sake of stopping the hopefulness of the conroviuris virus...                                                                                Like most of you with wanting something to do in your down time is really nah on a great comic no matter what you like you are probably wanting the latest issue of whatever title you are getting in your pull box or pull list at your local comic book store...
      Well like you I to have known that by the internet that today the company that you tell your comic store owners to order you your "WALKING DEAD!", "BATMAN", "AMAZING SPIDER-MAN", "SPAWN".... some these I personally get others are here to help prove my point that your favorite four color stories of the month are not going to be in your box... the reason why this is because the ordering company DIAMOND the guide to ordering not just Tee Shirts, games, models, but especially your weekly comics has decided for what ever reason as of the current time to just completely stop being the ordering guide for anyone's bit of having a great time of fun with your super heroes...                                                                             Does this mean that companies that  make our world's greatest monthly books of fantastic daring dos want to let you the comic reading public down?, the actual answer is NO! They want to keep their audiences full of experiences of awesome adventures of hope and love for those fictional characters. So I hope that you can find the right way of finding those experiences of excitment through reading back issues of your favorite characters. Or even better yet during these isolating times find a way to make it your mission of writing your own continuity for your own enjoyment. 
    As for myself I will admit that I know that I have a lot of gigantic back log of reading to get caught up on, so till those companies decide what to do with getting out there products  for kids and collectors again find a way to show your support for your local comic shops by the internet at this current set of times.                 

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