January 01, 2016

Happy first day of the year to all!

Hello All, 
  Well it seems as if something really really big just recently has happen does it not?....say it isn't so yet it does with out a doubt seems as if yet again another set of days that make up a treasure trove of time has been granted to yet every single human that God made has just had another milestone thrust upon us just less than fifteen hours ago. Say just what the heck is it that I'm Matt Byrd am going off the ramming of the mouth about now you are wondering huh?, Well I will not leave you at all guessing it was at that very time when the whole planet earth went and hopped not only a whole twenty four hours into a new day......but at the very same time WE ALL LEFT 365 days behind us and are now in something known as the NEW YEAR. That is right at twelve AM this morning we welcomed in four new digits into all of ours busy lives well okay really just one more really we went from twenty fifteen to twenty sixteen. So let me ask you all something has your life really become something new beside just "Oh it's just another day that is just yet again just another new year's day only and it doesn't matter that I make changes for myself in the way of liking and loving others in my own daily life?", that happens to be always on the forefront of very thoughts ever single day that I am given a breathe to breath. For I know that as selfish as I am at certain times in this existence known as life that I can and should strive to be more in helping friends and strangers  no matter their position of where they are in the wake of life for them, but without a stress factor coming into play right away we have to remember no  matter our highs in life or lows for that same reason we have to know that person just by one thing and it is called a name. I hope that I don't sound to strong by saying this but I know everyone of us little and big humans are flawed also I know we all find it hard to seek help when we need it most, if someone asks you if your having a bad day just tell them "I may or May Not know your troubles my friend but I will grace you with my greatest gift known as friendship." Maybe he or she will open up or just shake your hand but at least you gave it your best effort of letting them know help can be through bounding more than anything. 
                Now let's move on to more pressing matters that we all know of in the way of games. First off what I am going to be sharing right here is actually having it's very own New Year's eve event. Well I might as well take this moment to recall the very first game of Chess my style with Superman versing the other strong guy of strength over at Marvel? You ALL know who I'm talking about just remember this as well "You NEVER WANT TO GET HIM ANGRY" or  do you when in fight with Superman? Last year ended with me pairing myself off with  this guy seen here:

Now you are just wondering how can I win against my  much younger self right?, in truth who care really say that the only main thing that changed for me was a permanent hair thing known as baldness. For when I was a young guy I could never stop talking that in fact a whole lot of my high school friends said "Your a guy who never shuts up you know that right?" okay in truth someone did write this in my senior yearbook. I'm okay with it simply because it is the bloody truth! As for this month's contenders of battle let's hear it for Robocop 
vs  another machine from the future known as simply The Terminator

who would rule the right to protect humanity? you decide! For even more of a MUCH, MUCH BIGGER QUESTION NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED and even though this was my ultra cool background for the site seen here


 ,that was my desktop image for last December of "15"!           

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