December 15, 2014

To a beloved sister on her "Special day"

Hello All but especially to my sister Merri Mickelson, 
   Today just so happens to be my sister Merri's birthday and I can say I know that she has been having both a grand time this past year in her life and very woeful times as well. She is the one person that I know best that has been blessed by hearing and waiting on God's love when things are at there most high, weather it is something great like bringing a baby into the world and loving her or him for being able to being young again herself through their eyes or rather their way of living life. Merri is one who knows that through any kind of sad or bad moment in life that the Lord's power of loving grace is always with her even if she doesn't always understand it at that given time she knows to wait for God's time to bring her strength when she doesn't always understand everything life gives her, rather it be a grand bit of the white stuff known as snow or a nice lovely spring day at that time of the year. 
      I this past May was able to see Merri and her whole family when her dad and my mom took me to go see the monument seen here 
 or would it be more the place seen with captain Sikso head from the Third television series of Star Trek her late brother Lyle's many favorite science fiction series.  
   Yet of course I'm talking about Mount Rushmore with the most interesting fathers that help shape our great country from it's very beginnings. At the time that we saw them Merri and her crew they had three birthdays going at once and here is the today's Birthday girl near a cake 

which I do hope she did get to have a small something of her own if she wanted one that is? We after the party at that time went to a local swimming pool where all ten of her children could have a blast of fun 

\, and boy I know I needed that as well. I can say this about Merri as well, that even though she lost both her mother and her brother Lyle this year she has shown without a doubt her love for those she holds dear by coming home to the  Tri-Cities to say goodbye to her brother Lyle

with his family and friends. In spite of it all of everything that Merri has been through this past year as I said before she always know her love for Christ helps inspires so many others in so many ways that words of all kind just make her life what it is we all need to know about most......which is love is always around us we just have to remember to open our souls to it's whole understanding, especially at this time of the year. 
   So once again I want to wish my loving sister Merri a very grand Happy Birthday and I hope she knows that she is the best person who is the most human in her brother Matt's eyes this day.

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