The second newspaper story of Spider-Man
Hello Webblings,
So I now feel it would be a good time to share with you the second tale of where these strips like the one above started from. Last time I was talking about this was actually twelve days ago on my birthday where Spidey fought this
guy known as Victor Von Doom or as he's more world widely referred in Marvel continuity Dr. Doom! In the second newspaper story the web wonder faces the first villain whom unmasked him in regular comic lore, don't know who this is do we?, well like the aforementioned Doctor this fellow also later had a sense of Green about him after first having a White suit in his own first outing where he beat Parker's faith out of him in what he was doing. In transiting the story arc Lee had this fellow ring Aunt May's doorbell while, Mary Jane finally catches up with Peter to go out with him for their first newspaper outing date. Peter of course wants to check up on dear May at her apartment in Forrest Hills (Please don't ask me why Lee has everyone in the strip living on the upscale side of things, unlike in the monthly comic, my only answer is he wanted it rooted closer to how he was raised I'd be guessing, besides the obvious answer of grounding the stories in NYC as it is now.) When he goes to opens her front door after stepping off the elevator with Mary Jane in tow, his uncanny sixth sense is blaring off the chats as they approach he hears voices of May and his foe Doc Ock.(Footnote: for comic book readers that know Ock from the comic universe, he did try to marry May Parker for she had inherited a power plant he was wanting, but of course this is different so read on, please) He wants to know why the villain is visiting so he takes it upon himself to change into his alter ego, when he realizes he would do the one thing that would scare even himself....
which is shock dear Aunt May. After this we find out since MJ can't find modeling work or a part in show biz at the current time she is trying out as the local museum guide gig as she words it, so Peter tries to find the good doctor and his aunt without their knowing while in his pursuit he runs into a old man being mugged. So since he at this time, he just found Ock and May he knowing his duty, tags Ock with one of his nifty Spider tracers to find him later, only when he does he sees that they are now at the local museum but why he doesn't know as of yet?
Mary Jane is doing great as a museum guide spokesperson with Ock in the crowd that she is guiding she tells them of Red China's greatest loan to America the priceless artifact called "Dragon Idol of Kiangkow". Ock seizes his chance at getting the valuable prize by using May Parker as a diversion, by applying enough pressure to the right nerve to have her collapse, whilst he uses one his many arms to hide it on his person. Only Spidey sees what has happen in truth but gets the blame all the same when the Idol is missing! So after seeing that Ock has seen May getting home, the web slinger gives chase to get at Doctor Octopus for he knows what could happen on a political scale if he should fail at getting the "Dragon Idol of Kiangkow" back to it proper lenders, World War III.......
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