November 21, 2008

"CLONE OF ME," Chapter II

"Clone of Me," Chapter II
by Matt B.
Science classes at Cal Tech University were in the Mathematics & Science division of building 1124, Krystal knew she was late for just fifteen minutes ago she was outside on the track with Sasha & while talking to her opportunistic father on a company phone of Raven Enterprises about finding help with a personal project of his own. Now as she was heading through the hallway to where the class was in room 342 that had a simple black plaque with writing & numerals in roman text under 342 on a wooden door that had a four by twelve window that could see into the classroom from the hallway. She was sweating just a little.
She had just about reached the door, when a guy that had blond hair & a crazy shirt on that was Navy blue with a slogan around a light bulb on it. The slogan read "Clone science, it's right for me, but is it right for you?" in sky blue colors, she had suspected the shirt was homemade. Had surprised the heck out of her, his hand had covered hers as she was grabbing the door handle.
"Ah Shit" it took her a moment to realize who it was her favorite nerd."Hey Nerd I'd better
let you go first okay?" Krystal said.
"No way my dear lady you got here first, so let me open the door for you & we'll go in together,
if your okay with that?"
Krystal didn't know what to say expect "Okay?, Well Thank You"
Today since they were still studying medical science of the human body the class room had six elongated tables with the front center one clear of anything on it. The other five tables have on them plastic chest cavities that have a plastic human heart that are disassembled for the four groups of five students to reassemble the inner working of the human heart, & when all four groups are done they are to put their plastic chest on the front center table.
"Well I'm glad to see you two know where your suppose to be now Mrs Raven & Mr. Ryder!,
Please take your seat Mrs Raven, Jon you may ask your "About your theory" statement" George Mc
Rain said as he went to sit in his chair at his desk, Krystal sat beside Sasha. "About your theory" was George's question of the month, & now it was Jon's turn.
Jon had hoped he wouldn't flub this up. He'd been practicing all last week in his sleep & before hand while brushing his teeth in the mirror before coming to class.
"Okay well here goes nothing", he took a deep breathe. "Who here recalls "Dolly" from when last the Democrats were in office before now?" Jon was such an expressive type of person that he uses his hands while explaining almost anything while talking, today was no different his hands were right now like a certain red & blue character that swings from web lines from comics. His hands were flexed with his two center fingers in his palms while his first, pinkie & thumb are out stretched in a v shape. Someone raised their hand "Do you mean "Hello Dolly maybe?" The whole class broke out in laughter. Jon didn't recall who the new student was, but pointed a finger right at him, "Let's not be smart asses ok?, so I will ask again Does anybody here remember "Dolly?" still no one answered his question.
" Hey group isn't oblivious I could be wearing the very answer to my own "About your own theory" question here". Jon was pointing at his own shirt.
"Okay class" Mc Rain scooted his chair from his desk to start everyone answering Jon Ryder's inquiry. Now standing beside Jon he said "If no one can recite that they are blind in ten seconds the whole class will be flunked for the rest of the whole sermeter, Ok class you choose!"
"Thank You George" Jon said as he held out his hands palms up out towards everyone. Sasha actaully answered the question even though it really unnevred her as she said it.
"Cloning theatrics, which are Illegal to begin with"
"Actually what Sasha's saying about cloning theatrics or as it's known cloning technology is Illegal but my whole "About your theory" is based on "IF" which I think Mr. Mc Rain's discussions are "IF related anyway", for the most part great. So here's mine, what if cloning technologies are used for medical purposes such as curing cancers & not for mad men to threaten us with possibilities of slave hood as in most science fiction stories, again thanks for your time. Before going to his own table he gave Sasha a thumbs ups, even though he was hoping someone like the idiot from earlier would have tried to answer, since she knew him so well.
As class proceeded on, Jon was thinking of how really lucky he finally was in his life last week at the end of track practice. He saw her tuscan red hair blowing in the wind. He'd always before been troubled by asking a young lady out for fear of having her say "NO!" but this time his fear was a part of him like a feather in the wind, it was gone as he approached her.
"Hey I wanna ask you something?" she turned around smiling back at him, thinking "What
could he want to ask me after all this time?, that he wants to quit track?"
" My name's Jonthan Ryder & I'd like to ask you out, if you don't mind, but I don't know who
you are anyway?'
"My name's Sasha Evermore is what your looking for Mr Ryder, what did you have in mind if
I may inquire please?"
" I was thinking maybe pizza if you'd like or coffee?"
"Pizza or coffee huh?, Well why not. Let's go change outta these suits we have on &
meet at the gym itself ok with you?"
"Sure that's good enough for me as well too, say fifteen to twenty minutes then?"
" Twenty to get showers & to be safe"
They went to a Pizza parlor named Geppetto'z they had a great time playing a game of pool before eating Pizza instead of coffee they had pitcher Geppetto'z Ale. They shared their "greatest first real dates" with each other. Sasha's version was being wined & dined at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris France. She was wearing a Cal Tech track team jacket with a shirt that was as red as her hair that at the collar to shoulders was black with denim jeans. Jon had on denim jeans & a denim coat with a white undershirt with the American flag on it, his "greatest first real date" would be that of being at a comic book convention in any big city in the world but especially Manhattan in New York. Still he had no known reason for going there? He just knew a possible part of him was there.
Later that very night in his own home George was preparing a dinner for himself and his only daughter Kendra. He was making her favorite dish manicotti and Garlic cheese bread in his spacious kitchen. After pulling out both the manicotti and the Garlic cheese bread from the oven to start cooling them off, he heard his doorbell chime. He went to go answer the door. On the other side of the door was a young woman with sandy blond hair, she had on a white T shirt with a purple rainbow with a pink sun behind it. Around the image was a slogan "How is your day Sunbeam?, Bright I hope!" The colors of the letters were orangery yellow like a rising sun. She also had on a pair of denim white jeans.
As George looked through the peep hole he saw that both of her arms were behind her back. Had he forgotten that she was going to be bringing something with her?, He was so excited he must have altogether let it slip his mind.

"Hey Daddy I brought over dessert your favorite to a strawberry topped Key lime pie"

George had unhinged the deadbolt to his front door to let her in.

"You know I said you didn't have to bring anything over that I would be putting dinner together
tonight sweetheart?, Don't you remember from when we talked last I said "Any home cooked
meal is for you, when we get together?"

"Yeah I know, but I did wanted to do this time, since it has been a long time for we haven't had
"A Mc Rain family get together in quite sometime" besides how often do I get to spoil you?,
instead of the other way around?"

"Nothing wrong with that, because you are so right it has been a long time for our family time. Please won't you come in and put the pie in fridge. Take a seat at the dinning room table the manicotti and Garlic bread is just cooling off now."

As Kendra was putting her father's special pie into the fridge a thought had occurred to her, had her father like last time forgotten she better ask to be sure. George was now slicing up the manicotti for them to have with the Garlic bread he was ready when his daughter asked her inquiring question.

"Did you remember the cheese on the bread this time?"

George looked at her fully wide eyed as he answer her.

"Who me forget? shame on me, this time I did remember. I know that I forgot last time and yes
it was my fault."

George felt his cellphone vibrate as his daughter gave him a peck on his cheek, as he handed her the plates to serve up the gooey dish that he had just sliced into pieces to go with the Garlic cheese bread.

"Who is that dad?"

"I'm not sure honey but I promise I will be only a minute alright!"

Kendra took a bite of her slice of manicotti as she set her father's plate on the dinning room table. She just was wondering whom her father was talking to?

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