April 02, 2024

Classic Troup of Sci-fi/Horror fun from films of old.... or something else entirely???

Hey comic fans of all kinds of stories,                                                                                                   Well for this review I have been thinking quite a lot of old movies that I haven't seen in a very long time that at some point I know that I have to review here on this ongoing little thing that I try to do daily if I can get the chance to do it. The two main movies that happen to be on my mind at the moment are The Day The Earth Stood Still (the original one from nineteen fifty one), and Return of the Living Dead and fit very well into this very entry,  which at some eventual time I am planning on reviewing through out this very blog. So is there by any chance of a science fiction and horror films that are a way to elude to a chance of a completely EXCITING comic story....                                                                          Of course for all of you who know the real me, that when I get into reviewing something I will give it my most definitive attention. Especially when it comes upon knowing comics in and out of getting maybe you wanting to checking it out for yourself and seeing how you like a new richness of a new type of a small short story from the creative minds from people who want to boarding our understanding of both having fun and also going out with their ideas to understanding our imaginations with either classic characters that we all do know or new ones that are certainly created by at least the story architecture of the writer and the illustratior. But of course, in the end of everything  you can just read my review here if that is what works best for you as well?                                                                             Here is the very comic that I am going to be sharing the content of...                                               

In THE COLONIZED, which is written by Chris Ryall and illustrated by Drew Moss, in the state where  you used to be able to go pretty much as fast as you wanted on the roads it turns out has a really strong, yet very broken community that is definitely divided on it's expanding growth by it's leading family known as the Robertsons has recently just buried their father Rennie in the town's cemetery, by his son Huxley. Who with his closest friends view something in the night sky 
that statlers them and also some other citizens who don't necessarily agree with Hux's views on the governance of Carbon Falls, Montana way of life...                                                            
But they all are very well scarred out of their wits when they go to see what has become a very interesting object in the woods. There all of the town's folk find a space vessel that's in ruins 
, and as they argue over what's inside the downed craft from outside of our own solar system they come in contact with some very equally scarred visitors from beyond our galaxy. Who don't want to wage war on the human race, they want our help?                              See the aliens were trying to find out if they could make contact with a inhabitant of the planet earth only to find out what they had found was a dead cropse that they pulled from a recent burial plot in the Carbon Falls cemetery with an transporter beam to their vessel. One mystery that has me interested most about this story is Chris's development of bringing the Zombies into his story telling! This comic is published by IMAGE comics and isn't limited to just two cruse words like if it were published by either Decetevice or Marvel comics, where when if some characters swears they use prompts so that their stories are equally important yet safe for all type of readers from youngsters to adults of all kinds. It's their way of keeping one aspect of the created comics code authority in check from the mid nineteen fifties of publishing comics. Drew's pencils really give the story a impressive impact. I am willing for my rank of a grade for this very comic is an C plus!