Would you vote in a Monster into public office OR ....EVEN as President of the Good 'Ol USA?
How do you wish that the world's governments are operated?, now think of this very carefully for you know things are always changing no matter who we have in politic offices. "Are you a strict you follow my political views type of a person, "or we just can't get along type of person otherwise?" looking at any politic arena. I feel VERY sorry for you then, well really for everyone on THAT said accord for weather your a Democrat or a Republican we all have our own way of seeing things being Monstrous of sorts depending on the party in charge of running the show. If your a devoted Republican you see all Democrats like this: and the same goes for you who are Democrats whom see all Republicans as this: but in the end does it really matter at all, for sometimes I see us running our governments by Monsters anyway don't you so here is my solution. Lets have the governments of the world run by Halloween Monsters Okay? say that again? I mean if you think about it how much worst off would the world be, if say we had Victor's monster from "Frankenstein" running as Prez of the United States would people really fear the pile of mismatched parts as the leader of the free world?, if they are smart probability not! I could just see Frankie other ads besides this one ,"VOTE FOR OR ELSE, YOU BESTEPPED ON BY ME". What type ad would Dracula bring to the table on things like health care would it be worded like this perhaps: , would he have the greatest or least female voters rooting for his Blood Thirst plans in anyway at all, He'd hope so that's for sure. Say as well you throw in the Wolf-man for good measure for by parasitism independents, for those all too frighten by those other top two for whatever means. Would ol Wolfie win?, best yet what if a ugly Witch finally was able to win all the female voters over and we'd have the first ever top female leader in the free world despite how ugly she'd look. Truly would WHO would WIN MATTER at all for would the world be any better off no matter if governments ran by Political HALLOWEEN Themed figures. I would say that it would still be a mess at the end of the night for they could only work in Darkness right?, But WHY NOT LET THEM HAVE A SWING AT IT TOO! Remember we vote at the end of the month for real so please use you best judgment when you place your ballot to let your voice be heard, again thanks for your vote IT WILL ALWAYS MATTER NO MATTER WHAT YOU CHOOSE! Here are some more Gnarly pieces for that BLOOD RICH grave game, ,, last but not least of fictional monsters to choose from for PREZ how about JASON, just wondering is all?, which your locked into I at least hope you are?
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